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a/n: if text is in bold italics it is kanashii's/sadness' pov
if text is in italics it is ikari's/anger's pov

i had finally gotten home from the bus, with my wired earphones in. as soon as i knocked on the front door, i had a bad feeling. it was unusually quiet. very, very quiet. so quiet that even the voices just... stopped. usually, something's happening at home. something.

and even more, my grandparents were here. there should at least be music playing, something. once i realized no one was going to answer the door, i quickly grabbed my keys from my pocket, put them in the lock and twisted the door, opening it.

as soon as i stepped in and observed my surroundings, the only thing i could do, was scream. a deafening, shrill, scream. my skin paled, unusual from it's usual fairness. my eyes were wide, and my hands were all too shaky.


but she said... that she'll always be here. no way. no this can't...

i could tell anger was forcing itself out, and this time... i couldn't stop it. i couldn't do a single thing. nothing at all to make them stop.

i quickly ran over to the scene, this looked like something out one of those horror crime scenes. mom was on the floor, her back was turned and she was lying there. there was blood pooling from her body, and the carpet was blood red.

i quickly turned her around, and my face paled. i'm going to kill them. i'm going to kill whoever did this. her eyes were wide, unmoving, unresponsive. she was gone. i already knew it. no one can recover such a deep cut to the neck.

no... no. why? why the hell would someone do this? what did this family ever do to them? what did mum and dad ever do? grandma and grandpa too. no. i swear i'm going to kill whoever did this. no matter what.

i could feel tears streaming down my face, and it was as if every memory of mom and dad were passing by from what i was seeing. dad... he was next to her, his hand was, on her throat. as if he was trying to stop the bleeding when it happened.

my own hands began to feel bloody, but i didn't care. dad had been stabbed in his back, clearly focused on mom at the time. i hate this. i hate it. why didn't we just stay home? i wish we stayed home.

and she's normal. kaya is a normal girl. normal parents. why...?



i began to kick down the door, looking for anything that i could, the only emotion filling me consisting of one thing; rage.

she wants to give us away. i know she does. i hear them in the kitchen, i see the fear in their eyes whenever i come out. she wants me gone. she wants US gone. she only cares about kaya, not the rest of us. i HATE this.

she's getting on my last nerve. i don't care what i have to do, i'm not letting her take us away. i hear the teachers gossiping too, how hard it must be for her to deal with kaya, to deal with US. how that woman and man cry whenever the headteacher tells them kaya is close to being expelled because of me. i'm doing this for her.

why can't she understand that? why can't any of them understand that? i'm just making sure no one gets hurt. i'm protecting them. WHY IS NO ONE THANKFUL? I HATE THEM. I HATE THEM ALL. kaya doesn't even believe i'm real. that WE'RE real.

i grabbed one of the baseball bats in kaya's room, and began to pound on the door with it, the door breaking off from my kicking and harrassment.

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