"Ahh, finally. There's something to be loved.."

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Hello gais,

Y'all didn't thinking I've getting some sanity or died now didn't ya?

Well guess what? I'm living and still not sane at all✨😜✨

Btw this is the same as Tommy and Philza oneshot but this time it's the legendary himself...


Enjoy my lovely readers and don't forget to SLAY!✨💅👏🎉✨

A long time ago in a dull and miserable land.

There's a child who wished for one thing and one thing only...


That's all he ever wanted.

He spent years waiting for someone who would appreciate for what he do and loved him just for the way he is.

All those years he suffer by living with a parent who is on vacation while neglecting their own son.

Teachers who doesn't glance at his work and effort since it won't help him getting a a good job they say...

And nobody wants to be friends with him.

He is all alone.



And hopeless....

He was there, walking down the street to reach the highest building to fall down as he see no point like an emo he is.


He got taken away...


Tommy wake up only to see himself in a cage with others struggle to getting out from their personal captivity.

Then suddenly, a man with a suit came in and telling them to silence as it is useless for them to tire their throat for no one to hear but themselves.

"You see here, you were brought here for a reason. And the reason we're rather simple...

...very simple.....

.....cause for now on, all of you are not human anymore but instead a pet for your future master....

...that is if you willing to comply....if not.....

Then all of them were showing a video where it basically a dissection video of course.

And who was getting dissect?

The 'Naughty Pet' or rather 'Once a Human'."

All of them are terrified while some passing out except a certain boy.

Because Tommy is rather.....intrigued....and he wish to know where this is going.

"I know you're scared but I can assure you that would not be happening to any of you,

For as long you agree to please and give everything that your future master would ask for.

And in return....

...you shall be loved.."

And that hit the nail to Tommy's heart. Giving him a newfound hope that he searching for.

"But for now, all of you are currently were in need of training as all of you are strays.

If you work hard enough and of course do your best to becoming a very high quality pet, you will be taken by our rich customers.

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