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"Come on Aera-ya," Soobin said while banging on my bedroom door for the hundredth time today as I changed into my pajamas. "Open up, please."

Since when does Soobin say please?

I was beyond pissed.

Not at Soobin, but at Maki for telling Soobin my secret. I had trusted Maki because he was like a brother to me and he had kept the secret for many years but now, he couldn't keep his mouth shut when it came to Soobin. Did Soobin manipulate Maki? My mind was going in a frenzy, especially at the moment where Maki had asked if I remembered Soobin. After walking away, I tried racking my brain once more and yet, I remembered nothing and to my frustration, I had forgotten about my shopping bags that I had accidentally left beside Soobin's feet.

"Aera, he was going to have to know soon anyway," Maki's voice was loud and clear.

I had been giving them the silent treatment. I mean, I know it's childish but I was pissed and it's also a bit fun to get the twins worked up and Soobin, irritated. I frowned as I felt the bed vibrate. I arched an eyebrow as I got off my bed and looked under my blanket to see a gold iPhone 6 Plus vibrating in the center of my bed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, quickly realizing it was Soobin's as I grabbed the phone and nearly pressed the answer button until the call dissolved and the vibration stopped.

My eyebrows started to narrow in as I pulled down the notifications then pulled it up to see Soobin's lock screen wallpaper. My eyes widened at the picture that had triggered something in my head. The picture had a smiling brunette little boy with his chin resting on his palm in a white sweater and a little girl with brunette long hair, her eyes closed as if she was sleeping with the same body language, her chin resting on her palm, and her head leaning against the little boy's shoulder with a white hat on top of her head. They both looked three years old.

I frowned, staring at the picture even closer before a sudden light bulb appeared on top of my head. I gasped, holding Soobin's phone tightly as I ran towards my small, black study desk, opening a drawer as I started rummaging through the messy pile of photographs that I had been given not so long ago. The racket that Soobin and the twins made sounded distant as my eyes were only focused on thousands of pictures in my draw.

It was somewhere here.

I bit my lip nervously and when I reached the bottom of the draw, a small picture caught my attention as I slowly took it out and placed it on my table. My jaw dropped at the picture that looked exactly's like Soobin's wallpaper. No. It isn't. Is it? I turned on Soobin's phone again to take a closer look at his lock screen wallpaper and realized it wasn't a picture of his little sister, Sooyeon, but someone else.

My heart beat started to increase as I quickly took the small picture that was resting on my desk into my hands and quickly went for my bedroom door, ripping the door open to see Maki and Taki, defeated as they leaned against the wall just opposite of my door. My eyes whipped towards Soobin who looked at me blankly, then confused as his eyebrows narrowed in on me.

"Aera, I didn't mean to-" Maki started, his face full of concern until I raised my hand to stop him, my eyes trained on Soobin.

"Well, I feel like something bad is going to happen and that doesn't involve me," Taki started with a nervous smile whilst getting up with Maki beside him. "But if it does, I'm going to run."

And with that, the twins bolted for their rooms, closing their door shut and even locking it as Soobin mumbled something under his breath. I arched an eyebrow at him as he mirrored my eyebrow. "What is it?"

I clenched my jaw and used my hand to grab his wrist, pulling him into my room before closing my door shut as Soobin stumbled into the room cluelessly. I placed both of my hands on my hips, his phone and the picture still in my hands as I waited for Soobin to regain his posture.

Bad boy Choi Soobin ||Choi Soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now