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"My father will have you rot in a cell," I spat out, anger rising in me as I glared at a psychotic man in front of me.

"He will never find you," Osamu replied, looking at his nails as if he was a girl.

Trying to move, I mentally cursed at the ropes that held me tight to the wooden chair, the light on top of me was blinding me. I huffed, letting my eyes scan my surroundings as I gagged at the sight. It was a shed. A shed that disgusted me for there were dead animals in the corner and graffiti on the walls. There was a picture of a naked woman in spray paint as I ripped my eyes away from it, disgusted at this man that held me captive in his presence.

"なぜこんなことをするのですか?"(Why are you doing this) I asked, trying to not let fear lace with my words.

"哀れな少女,"(Pathetic girl) Osamu answered as he grabbed a spare chair and placed it in front of me before sitting down on it comfortably. "あなたは私があなたに言うと思うでしょう?"(you think i would tell you)

"You're going to kill me anyway so why not?" I murmured back as I could feel my heart jumping.

"Who said anything about killing?" Osamu questioned me as he snorted, crossing his arms. "I am a father."

I arched my eyebrow as I let my eyes roam around his face. I let my eyes either narrow or widen at his features, features that don't even look like any of the twins yet they could get their perfect looks from their mother. Looking at his features once more, I confirmed it was definitely from their mother. Sighing, I let my head hang low in defeat.

"I hope you know that the twins aren't my blooded children," Osamu said in a monotone that had my head shoot up, my eyes widening.

"What did you just say?" I asked bewildered.

"I murdered their parents in sweet pleasure," Osamu answered as if thinking back to that moment didn't faze him at all but only satisfied him.

My heart started increasing it's rate as I looked around, desperate to find a way out for I did not know what this man could do to me. I bit my lip as I watched him watch me, a smirk forming on his lips and that's when I knew that he knew that I feared him.

"Got a fake identity," Osamu said as if his secrets were spilling out of his mouth one by one. "I'm a murderer. A rapist."

The last word alarmed me.

I cleared my throat and leaned back not wanting his disgusting hands touching me as I broke eye contact. Osamu laughed like a maniac as he sighed in content as if he needed to say that just to get a whole bunch of weight get lifted off his shoulders. I watched Osamu stand up and approached me with his index finger pointing at me. I felt his finger glide against my cheek softly as he puts his disgusting face right in front of mine as if observing me. I almost puked. Osamu let a smile settle on his lips before standing straight up, looking at me before turning around and walked away.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding onto as I moved in my seat, trying to untie myself from these horrid ropes. I prayed for my parents, Soobin, to come find me or else I might as well just die in this horrendous place. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out steadily, trying to calm myself or I would die just from having a panic attack.

"Aera, you will live," I whispered to myself, trying to make it sound convincing.

As I heard footsteps, I snapped my eyes open and let my blank expression settle on my face before it dropped. My jaw dropped along with my blank expression as I watched a very familiar boy approach me with guilt written all over his face yet satisfaction.

I clenched my jaw, pushing down the urge of having to jump on him with all my energy and just strike at him. There he was, his black hair out of place. He wasn't wearing his bad boy outfit which consisted of black, nope. He was wearing a fucking suit and tie. A suit and tie. Could you believe that? I clenched and unclenched my jaw as I blinked several times, praying that my eyes were fooling me but unfortunately, they were not.

"Jang Aera," he spoke.

"How dare you betray me?!" I shouted in fury, feeling a lump rise in my throat and my heart just beating against its cage rapidly as I could feel myself on the verge of tears.

"Hiroshi is my uncle," he answered with a sly smile as I could feel bile rising in my throat, replacing the lump. "We are family."

"Who the fuck is Hiroshi?" I questioned, confused.

He chuckled before running his fingers through his hair. "Osamu, I mean. Fake identity, remember?"

"The boys is your family too," I remarked as I watched him shake his head before sighing.

"No Aera, you just don't get it," he replied, his eyes darkening. "I am a shadow. I need the spotlight. And Hiroshi will give me that."

"You're a psycho," I spat.

"That's the real me," he said with a deep chuckle. "Hated following the boys everywhere."

"You will go to prison too," I replied, glaring.

"Who knows sweet Aera?" he questioned rhetorically. "Soobin's world has always revolved around you."

"And?" I questioned back, bemused but then the truth slammed into me, mentally slapping myself not realizing this any sooner but how could I? He was good at masking his feelings. "You want Soobin."

He clapped his hands as if he was proud of me. "Great job."

"I never took you as a homosexual," I whispered.

"Of course not but anyway, enough about me," he chuckled again. "It's okay, I'll make sure little harm will only come to you."

I watched him turn around before leaving me in my misery as the dark swallowed him up. Clenching my jaw at his betrayal, I clenched my fists as if the ropes were being untied and that I would have the chance to strike at him.

Osamu will pay for what he's done and so will you,
Kang Taehyun.

Bad boy Choi Soobin ||Choi Soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now