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they all came home.

Aanya is sitting on jk lap sobbing and telling him about what happened that day.

JK: baby why didn't you told me that day only.

Aanya(sobbing): I want to tell but Mia di told me not to do so. 

Jk(glaring at Mia): Mia you will never hide anything from us ok

Mia: yes dada

Tae: What to do now.

Jk: ahh! we don't have any proof as storeroom do not have cameras. But I will talk to principal about this.

Aanya(sobbing): no don't tell sir.

Tae: baby why are you scared.

Aanya: he said that he will do it worse with me (hiccupping)

JK: don't be scared I am with you. 

Aanya nodded and hugged  jk tightly.

They all have their dinner.  

Mia: dada can I sleep with you.

Jk: sure, sweetheart come with me.

Aanya is laying on the bed beside tae sneaking in his phone. 

Jk and Mia entered.

JK: what are you doing Aanya.

Aanya: nothing dada

Jk: stop peeking into his phone be a good girl and sleep.

Aanya: no not now I want to watch movie.

Tae: baby (strict)

Aanya snuggled into his chest and tae patted her back.

Mia also laid down and hugged jk 

Jk crassed her hair and they all slept.

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