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Krish woke up and saw jk sitting near krish and working on his files

Jk: you woke up baby

Krish: i am not a baby

Jk: humm (kissed krish cheeks)

Krish smiled and sat on the bed looking at his father who is busy in work

Jk: krish now fresh up and then study

Krish: yes dada

Krish freshened up and sat for studying jk left the room so that he can study


Aanya and mia both were figthing for phone 

Jk entered 

Jk: what's going on(lil strict)

Mia: dada she is being brat I want to use papa phone for studying but aanya wants to play game

Jk: aanya give the phone to mia

Aanya didn't..

Jk: I said give it to her

Aanya gave phone to mia and mia left from the room while giving a mischevious smile to aanya

Jk: now tell me Didn't i told you not to touch any elctronics

Aanya: humm

Jk: then

Aanya: sorry

Tae came to room saw jk scolding aanya

Tae: ahh what she did now

Jk: nothing, by the where were you(hugging tae)

Tae: leave me aanya is here(Whispered in jk ear)

Jk: so what let her see how much i love you(about to kiss)

Aanya: stop it dada(closing her eyes) papa is mine

Tae and jk laughed at her actions

Tae picked aanya in his arms, 

jk: why are you so cute(kissing aanya cheeks)

Tae: okey guys enough of the love now coming to the point aanya go and study it has been 3hrs you are playing

Aanya: humm going

she left  taekook alone in the room and they spended some time together


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