Part 25 - Win or Lose, Live or Die

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The EasyLife Motel was a sleazy establishment that most likely even sold rooms by the hour. The plain dark wood sign advertised discretion and leisure. Ask about our frequent visitors' club. It was a text book two level dump with peeling façade and an unplugged Pepsi machine at the entrance.

Marcel felt disgusted and said so, after cursing and swearing a few times. James had switched into his army mode which didn't allow impressions and feelings to mingle. But Marcel's impatience was a cover for the man's anger and fear and James decided he needed to say something, so he put his arm on his shoulder before getting out of the car and said:

"Look Marcel! We're in this together! Both our children are in this mess because of...ahh...their parents! Okay? You've been in 'This Life' and you know that acting fast and smart and keeping your shit together can be the difference between life and death. So, I need you to put the emotions aside and to behave like...ahh...a soldier...because your daughter needs you to."

Marcel swallowed hard, nodded and asked: "What's your plan?"

"You go in and try to get info if the kids have been here...use the pictures Teresa sent to your cell...I will circle around to get an idea about exits, guests, vehicles...the whole perimeter." James needed to do reconnaissance before any move. He was not making any more mistakes with this Lancaster family! Things were being done by the book!

"You keep the guy at reception talking...don't aggravate him...I'll meet you inside!" and James got out of the car and slid in the darkness.


The slightly overweight guy at reception wore a name tag 'Paul' and got from his seat the moment Marcel entered.

He was taking deep breaths and trying to put the emotions aside, just like James had told him to, but it was his only daughter, and he was finding it tough. So, he showed the pics of Vivienne and George to Paul and asked if they had been there.

"I'm sorry sir, but here we pride ourselves on our discretion!" The rehearsed answer and the fake smile on the man's face angered him as Vivienne was only a child.

Marcel tried to sound casual: "Look...The teen I'm looking for is not in any trouble. I'm not a private eye trying to catch a cheating spouse..."

The smile didn't falter away. "I'm sorry but our clientele uses our services for a variety of activities and often crave anonymity. We respect that!"

Marcel leaned over the desk to check the man's shoes: polished like mirrors. It was not a put on. The hair was slicked back, the sparkle in the eyes looked real. Marcel took out his wallet and plucked a hundred from the bifold, then slid it across the counter. The man looked at him and didn't move.

"What's this for sir?" He asked innocently.

"It's a present!" Marcel wondered where the idea came from. The man didn't touch the bill.

"It's the price for one piece of information. Were the teen and the girl ever brought here?" He kept his voice neutral as best as he could. "Ok, then, I need to speak with the manager!" came out without much thinking.

"I'm the manager, sir!" Paul responded coolly.

"I see..." Marcel's mind was going into overdrive as he wanted to smash his fist in the man's sleazy face, but James had told him to only keep him busy.

"I also own other words I'm in for the long run! That's why the business principles are of paramount importance...If the client knows this is a place, where he can feel safe to commit an indiscretion, the client is more likely to return. Do you see?" Paul seemed to have outdone himself.

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