Physical Touch; chpt 1

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Physical touch, something Giyuu Tomioka loathed. Any time someone touched him he would become stiff or flinch at the feeling. There were only two people in his life so far that he trusted enough to touch him ((not in that wayy)). The first person was his sister, Tsutako Tomioka, she made him feel loved and protected. Tsutako always told Giyuu that he didn't need to open up to everyone only the ones that you trust, I mean really trust. Giyuu's sister trusted people easily, although that also came to a downside. People called her 'Naive' or 'Way too optimistic' this is why Giyuu didn't trust people. Tsutako knew that he didn't like physical touch, nor trust people easily. So she never forced him to do anything she always asked before she hugged him and over time Giyuu got used to her and started hugging her openly. That being said, Sabito on the other hand did not plead or ask for hugs he basically just jumped on Giyuu. Giyuu did not like this, he despised it. Soon Sabito eventually took the hint and started 'asking' for hugs and high fives and other friendly stuff. Giyuu was surprised at first because he could obviously see that Sabito was annoyed, but he was happy that Sabito had openly tried to change to make him comfortable. After the loss of both of them he wasn't so easily open to the idea of physical touch. He isolated himself from the rest of the Hashira because he didn't want to get picked on, poked, or  touched. ((not in that wayyy)) 

Physical touch, something Sanemi Shinazugawa loved. Even if he didn't show it he absolutely loved it even if it was just a tug on the sleeve or a high five it absolutely made his day. The reason he loved physical touch was because his mother always protected him and his siblings from their abusive father. Even if she was just a scrawny, skinny, and a little woman she never gave up. Sanemi's father was very abusive and drank often, Sanemi thought his father abused him because he was weak and not brave enough. So he acted brave in front of his father and wouldn't cling onto anyone and try to defend himself, but once his father was out of the room he would latch onto his mother hugging and crying his eyes out. His siblings also grew up in an abusive and clingy environment so they were also obsessed with physical touch and being openly trustworthy towards almost anyone. That is why the day that their mother became a demon all of them except Genya ran to the door happy for their mothers arrival. After that incident, Genya and Sanemi eventually distanced themselves from each other, and Sanemi promised himself not to trust anyone easily, that made himself a reputation among the other members of the corpse. He was seen as cold, rude, violent, and aggressive. He decided to own up to this reputation, because once you have a reputation it's pretty hard to get rid of. 

Giyuu Tomioka POV

"CAW CAW GIYUU TOMIOKA CAW CAW NEW MISSION- or uhh HASHIRA MEETING, YES CAW CAW HASHIRA MEETIGN 6pm- or umm 6am! YES 6am!!" ((the crow is saying 'or umm' because in the manga it is said that Giyuu's crow easily forgets stuff and usually worries Tomioka))


Giyuu: Yes, yes I hear you Kanzaburou ((giyuu's crow)) please quiet down. 


Giyuu: Mhm..

Giyuu wakes up around 4:45 and ends up getting out of bed at about 4:50. He always starts his day by taking a cold shower. He knows and understands that it's quite odd to take cold showers, but he does it to wake him up in the morning. He never said that he enjoys cold showers, but he usually stays up pretty late because during the day he occasionally takes naps, so he needs something to wake him up in the morning. After his shower he uses a hair product that Mistrui gifted him for his birthday, her Rengoku and Shinobu aside from the Kambako squad are the only ones who actually know about his birthday. He isn't really a big party person so the most they do is just give him small gifts like food, toys, souvenirs, etc. He moisturizes the product into his scalp and does as Misturi said, brushing his hair after he's done. Giyuu honestly doesn't really take care of himself aside from taking a shower every morning. He rarely treats his wounds if he has any and doesn't do too much to his hair apart from washing and brushing it. He takes about 20 minutes to shower and about 10 to finish off his hair so it's about 5:30 at this point. He changes his clothes which takes about 10 minutes so now it's around 5:40. He decides to clean his katana because he has about 10 minutes to spare before heading to the Masters estate. It doesn't take long to clean his katana because his is just a basic katana unlike Mitsuri's or Obanai's. 

He starts heading to the Master's estate at about 5:45 and it's about a 10 minute walk so he shouldn't be that late. As he was walking down the trail as he heard this loud and familiar squeal.

"EEEEEEK~ TOMIOKA-SANNNN!!!!" Mitsuri squealed 

 "Oh, hello, Kanroji-san, please lower your voice." Giyuu pleaded 

"Ohh! I'm sooo sorry I just got ahead of myself!!"

"It's okay.. I- uhh- used the hair product you gave me for my birthday."

"OH!! I could tell your hair smells like lavender~~!!"

"Oh.. I didn't notice "-he says while sniffing his hair- "it really does smell like lavender."


"Oh.. I didn't notice the time sorry for holding you back, we should get going now."

"AWWWW~ It's okay Tomioka-Sannnn~~!!!"

"Kanroji, we need to get going."

"OH!! Right!!"

Third Person POV

About 10 minutes later they arrived 3 minutes late and both received looks of joy and hatred. Mostly Giyuu received the looks of hatred. Mitsuri went over and sat next to Shinobu and easily started a conversation, on the other hand Giyuu sat down at the end of the line next to Gyomei, hoping not to start a conversation. Fortunately, Master walked in the room before anyone could try to start a conversation with Giyuu. 

After Master talked about recent missions, demons, and plans he concluded the meeting. Shortly after the meeting concluded the Master called over Giyuu to talk to him. 

"You needed me, Master." -he says while kneeling-

"Yes, my child, I wanted to talk to you."

"Of course, master."

"When you first became a hashira you mentioned you had a physical touch problem."

 "uh- Yes master i- I did."

"If you're comfortable, it would make me very happy if you could try to get over your fear."

 "umm- well- I guess i could."

"Thank you my child, I understand that you are not very comfortable with people and I do not wish to make you uncomfortable. Although as a demon slayer one of our main priorities is to protect civilians, that includes carrying them and treating their wounds." 

"Yes- Of course Master."

"If you don't mind, I have paired you up with another hashira who is quite fond of physical touch and I think you will very easily communicate with. You two will be staying at an inn for a week."

"Yes, of course- uhh, umm who might this person be?"

"Of course, the person that will be joining you is, Sanemi Shinazugawa"

Giyuu's POV

I was expecting it to be someone I'm familiar with. Someone nice, cooperative, and kind. I though it was going to be someone like Kyojuro, Kanroji, or Kocho. But out of ALL people it HAD to be SHINAZUGAWA.

Third Person POV

Giyuu was stunned, in fact to stunned to speak. He would have expected any one else, heck even Uzui! But, Shinazugawa?! 

"Tomioka, my child, you seem like you're troubled. Are you okay with this pairing?"

"Oh! Yes, of course master I- I just- I'm afraid that I'm not on very good terms with Shinazugawa-san."

"Oh, my child, I hope that throughout this next week that you and Shinazugawa can learn to be friends and feel comfortable with each other's presence."

"Ah.. yes of course, Master."

"Now, I did not tell Shinazugawa who he was paired up with but I did tell him to go to the ***** Ryokan. ((Japanese inn)) I told him that he could go any time and the same would go for you my child, although please try to get there before at least 9pm. The Ryokan is covered with wisteria so you should be safe. I believe Shinazugawa mentioned that he was going to arrive around 6-7pm so do whatever you wish to do with that information."  

"Thank you master, I'll do my best."

Physical Touch // sanegiyuu // love story // NOT MY ART!!!!Where stories live. Discover now