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June 4th 1991

Y/N was sat in his Chief's office in the 1st precinct, Tribeca, on a balmy Manhattan evening. It had just ticked passed 5:00pm and Y/N had just finished his last shift for the FDNY.

"I can't believe you're leaving me Lieutenant. It's been a pleasure being your chief the last six years. God know it's hasn't been an easy few years for you."

Y/N half smiled, half nodded to his fire chief. Chief Carl Richards was a medium height stout man, a middle aged African-American with a receding hairline, an ever increasingly protruding belly, and a hell of gruff exterior that hid a heart of gold.

He had taken Y/N under his wing six years ago when Y/N first joined the Fire Department. He'd truly been a father figure to the younger man.

"I think it's time Carl, with K- with everything that's happened I just need a fresh start."

Carl offered a sad smile to his protege.

"How are you holding up with everything? Have you spoken to Lily?"

Y/N shook his head.

"Our lawyers finalised the divorce. There was nothing left to say between us."

Carl sighed and nodded as Y/N's eyes travelled to the family photo on the chief's desk.

"How are Angie and the girls?" He asked, quickly changing the topic. Carl chuckled.

"They're good Y/N. Angie's shifts in the ER keep her pretty busy. Kerry's studying hard for her SAT's and Gabby has just got on the school volleyball team. Busy busy busy. How are you though? You still haven't-"

"I'm fine Carl. I'm fine" Y/N answered in his typically guarded way. Carl sighed, knowing his Lieutenant well enough to know he would just bury his shit deep rather than talk about it. He tactfully changed the conversation.

"I hate to lose you son. Youngest Lieutenant in the precinct in thirty years, four commendations from the mayor; two medals of Valor and a James Gordon Bennett medal... hell of a decorated career son. Always the first to jump into harms way, always the first one in, the last one out. Now you're busting ghosts?"

"It's a way to make a living, Carl."

The older man stared for a moment before replying:

"I know what you're thinking, son. But you gotta know, the odds of-"

"I'd better go, sir. Said I'd report in to HQ this evening for my induction."

Y/N abruptly cut his previous supervisor off, blurting out his goodbye and raising to his feet. He saluted his chief one last time, as a show of respect, and gratitude. Carl sighed before returning the salute, shaking Y/N's hand, before pulling the young man into a tight hug.

"You need anything, anything at all, you let me know, ok son?" The chief asked. Y/N nodded as Carl continued:

"Angie wants you to come round for dinner one night next week, ok. The girls miss you. They ask... they'll all be glad to see you. And if for any reason this don't work out, you've always got a spot here."


It was an emotional twenty minutes as Y/N went around saying his last goodbyes to his friends, his coworkers, his brothers. He was eventually done on his rounds and briskly made the fifteen minute walk to Ghostbusters HQ, ironically another, albeit much older, FDNY Fire house.

Y/N walked in to the charmingly disheveled ground floor, seeing only the overworked receptionist at her desk at the end of the large room.

Y/N walked in to the charmingly disheveled ground floor, seeing only the overworked receptionist at her desk at the end of the large room

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As he walked towards her Y/N heard her answer the phone:

"Ghostbusters. What do you want?"

Y/N waited patiently while she continued:

"No. We can't summon your dead uncle to ask him the combination to his safe. Oh yeah? Well same to you pal!"

Y/N chuckled as she slammed the phone down, asking:

"Get a lot of calls like that do ya?"

"Too many!" The receptionist grizzled before looking up and taking in Y/N properly.

"Well hello. What can I do for you?"

Y/N immediately noticed the look in her eye and shifted uncomfortably.

"My names Y/N L/N, ma'am. I'm here to-"

"Oh that's right you're the new guy. I'm Janine, I keep everything running around here. I can tell you and I are going to be good friends."

Y/N stood there awkwardly as Janine batted her eyelids before he finally asked:

"Do I meet the guys upstairs or...?"

Janine was shocked out of her stupor as she giggled:

"Oh right, I have a jumpsuit for you. You can change in the office behind me. I promise I won't peak."

Y/N doubted the sincerity of Janine's words, based on the grin on her face, but nodded and took the jumpsuit into the small cramped office with 'Venkman' on the door.

He stripped to briefs, pausing only to look down and rub the tattoo on his left pectoral

He stripped to briefs, pausing only to look down and rub the tattoo on his left pectoral

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Before finishing dressing in his new uniform.

He walked back out to Janine and was completely unsurprised but still taken back when she asked:

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He walked back out to Janine and was completely unsurprised but still taken back when she asked:

"Who's Katie?"

Y/N's eyes widened as his breath caught in his throat. He replied, strained:

"She's someone very important."


April 3, 1984

Screams could be heard coming from a room in the maternity ward of Mount Sinai Hospital.

"Breathe Mrs L/N, you're doing fantastic. You're baby is crowning" the friendly nurse smiled.

"You're doing amazing Lily. You're almost there. You're almost there" Y/N said excitedly as he held his wife's hand.

"One more push Mrs L/N" the nurse said excitedly as Lily screamed, Y/N encouraged and the room was suddenly filled with a loud crying.

"Quickly dad, cut the umbilical cord" the nurse said as Y/N did, rushing back to his wife's side as the nurse cleaned the baby and quickly placed the child on the mother's chest.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs L/N. Meet your baby daughter. Do you have a name picked out?" The nurse asked happily.

"Katie" Y/N smiled, kissing his wife and then his newborn daughter on her tiny head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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