😊 family 😊

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Now everyone is in the villa looking and hobi and the new mask boy who is now sitting on the couch besides hobi and everyone standing there making a circle around the boy and hobi looking at them with narrow eyes

Kook : so you are a thief , whose father is a commisioner

Eunwoo nod but hobi looked at him with a glare and he shut his mouth up

Hobi : i told you guys everything than why are you circling us ??

Others nod and goes away from there but not jimin tae and jin

Jin : eunwoo you wanna eat something, you must be hungry wait a minute

Jin called Yeon and hanni to take eunwoo with him to eat something

After eunwoo was gone hobi got up to go back to his work but the bottoms circled him and started to roam in a circle around him

Hobi : what are you guys doing

Tae : so !!! Hobi !! Hyung !!

Tae said in a deep voice then jimin also with a deep voice

Jimin : we would like to know what is the status now

Hobi : what ??? What status

Jin : the status of your heart bro for this boy !!!

Hobi w..whaat s... status !!

Tae : SEE !!!!  Now you won't even tell us  , and don't you try to lie to us !!! Mr.Hobi hyung

Jimin : yes cause we know !!!!

Jin : yes , we know every moment of yours !!!

Tae /jin/jimin : WE ARE WATCHING YOU

They said while signalling with their hand that they are watching him and went away hobi breath In relief

Hobi : Thank God

Kook was helping in preparation and tae was in the kitchen helping jin in cooking learning how to cook Yeon and hanni was playing near the pool and eunwoo was also there playing with them namjoon and yoon was settling the catering services hobi was working something in his laptop

Yeon was teasing hanni by saying he is not playing well and hanni was pouting eunwoo was laughing at his cuteness

Hanni stormed his foot on the floor and came near kook and said

Hanni : DADDA !!!!

Kook flinched and looked down seeing his angry puppy looking at him with a sad pout kook got on his knees and asked

Kook : what happened bub ???

Hanni : yeonie is teasing me cause I am not able to win against him

Kook : o really what are you playing bub ??

Hanni : we are playing football but in our style see

Kook went there with hanni to look at Yeon sitting on the ground and laughing at hannies cuteness

Kook : yaah !!! How dare you laugh at my bub ??

Yeon was just laughing hanni put looking at kook

Kook : Yeon , let's play this time I am playing with hanni okay

Yeon was still laughing he gave a thumbs up while laughing

Yeon stood up and said

Yeon: let's start

When they were playing kook deliberately throw Yeon in the water and hanni and he laughed at it while eunwoo was controlling his laughter looking at the poor boy

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