trouble makers

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Now tae and jimin was looking at eunwoo's house no no actually mansion with whole damn bodyguards guarding it , they are in hobis car which hobi rented to roam around , jimin was the one to stole the keys and now he is regretting his life decisions

Jimin : eunwoo you think we can do this are you serious

Eunwoo : don't worry I will go inside and take my passport and throw it from that window you guys caught it okay

Tae : that is easy we just have to do that

Eunwoo : then you have to distract the guards cause if I go inside they will surely try to make me stay and if I run they will stop me so it's your job to distract them

Tae : okay I enjoyed too soon

Jimin : you should have told me earlier I would wear something nice and seduce them

Tae give jimin a so done look

Jimin : what ??

Tae : you think it's that easy to seduce a guard and that to a guard at commisioners house

Jimin : you got a point there , so what should we do

Tae : we will think about that

Eunwoo : it's on you how to distract them , I'll go inside

By saying that eunwoo went inside and try to not came in his step mom's hand , he reached his room and opened it and did a happy dance then search for his passport which he got easily also took some of his mother photo frame and put it in a small bag and throw it out of window which jimin caught and eunwoo give a dumb up , eunwoo tell them to go and distract the guards

Tae and jimin look at each other and made a plan in their mind and tae ran to the guard and said

Tae : hello sir how are you??

Guard : hello , who are you ??

Tae than he realised that he have to act panicked

Tae Suddenly started to breath heavily and said

Tae : actually sir my friend fainted their can you please help me

The guard look at tae who was looking actually very panicked so they went fast and saw jimin laying down putting his both hand on his stomach and on straight sleep position  , guard give him a weird look

Guard: why it is looking that he is sleeping

Tae : SIR !!!  Do you think I am lying , LOOK !!! , Look at my innocent face you think this face can lie , how can you think that sir

Tae said while sobbing , jimin started to move

Jimin : ta.... Tae .... ....s me ......!!

Guard : wasn't he just fainted

Tae : OMG !!!! jiminahhhhhhhh ...... Don't leave meee.....

Guard look at them and decide to help them he picked jimin by shoulder and jimin put his head on his shoulder

Tae : save my jiminaaaaaahhhhh sir !!

Eunwoo give tae a thumbs up and move a little away from mansion

Tae : sir I think now he is fine I will Handel him I think. He was a little drunk , dont worry

He hold jimin from the guard and went away with him .

All came back laughing at eachothers idotic behaviour

After reaching the villa they open the door to enter just to freeze at the spot , there stands Mr bunny , Mr cat Mr Squirrel looking at them with questioning look with Mr crow and Mr little bunny playing video games with each other

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