|♤~ New Becoming Power~♤|

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At first she thought it was just her mind trying to distract her from the immense pain, her father was receiving her. Indeed it was not, it was reality. Every single cell she was seeing was pure reality. But how? How did this even happen? And why now? Her energy was being drained the more she acknowledged the new power, she could feel her heart pump even more blood as she started to panick.

As she used an large amount of energy to use her tiny fingers, the power drained even more. Exhaustion filled her viens, her eyes filled with the darkest emotion of all time, it was just like she was becoming possessed expect it's with power. She could hear her heart pump loudly, it was just like all of her energy was going towards that one hand which was just on the floor doing nothing...

She tried her hardest to gather up the disgusting, infected air around her trying to regain so little energy, wishing she wouldn't faint. Her father pushed harder and harder against the immense pressure, she was creating now covering her father with the dark purple light. The way her eyes filled with mate black, truly frightened her over confident, fearless dad.

His heart dropped, she could hear how his body reacted with the magic. She was out of pure shock, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to stop but nothing came to mind. It was like she was in a deep dark void...

Grunting, she gritted her teeth now biting her bottom lip with full force causing the lip to fill with blood, now traveling its way towards her chin. She moved. Only a few inches, she felt true power and confidence.
Her hand lifted up from the dirt filled ground, now pushing her dad away from her....a sharp pain shot through her entire body just like electricity, exciting through her bitten finger tips, lifting through the power now shooting her dad into the broken walls forcing him to knock out.


Her body rested like it was at somewhat peace in the first ever time, did she just knock out her dad? Her hand touched the ground once more, she slowly breathed in the same pattern...her eyes lifted open. What if her mother had found this? Using a short amount of energy she was now on her feet once more, staring at the large amount of damage she had caused.

The girl admired her hands, now seeing a symbol in the middle with ancient writings in pure black...that's when it hit her. She needed to leave, she needed to run away and not return. The moment her dad would wake up, she would be a goner. She knew she wouldn't be able to save herself once again, without hesitation Avery immediately leaped herself to Sally now dashing out of the doors.

She knew she couldn't come, they would immediately disown her, even if they saw her in public. The sun was shined as it was saying it's last words before the moon took in charge of the sky, there was no regretting the decision she had made. Now everything was coming back to her like a sickness.






Now she truly understood, she was never needed in their shitty lives. This is when she knew...she didn't mean anything to no one, she had no one! Avery shot her head behind trying to see if her dad was following her, luckly she saw no sign and contained running at full speed wishing to never see that dreaded home.

She gritted her teeth, she wanted to do something else with this new found power out of complete spite. She wanted to give her parents everything they deserve, but she knew it wasn't right, she knew they will somehow get through her and kill her. Tears were forming once again now overlapping her eyes lids running down to her lips, giving the girl a moist taste with her tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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