Chapter 1 - The meeting

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This is a story about a broken girl and a perfect boy.

I remember when we first met like it was yesterday.
I woke up in my bed groggy like always and trying to roll over to get back to sleep but unfortunately my brain was already on awake mode. Sighing I turn to my phone to check the time.
-11.34 am-
Rolling my eyes I open my phone like I do every morning to rid my phone of notifications. When I get to Snapchat I read the text from my best friend Sophie.
"Wanna hang out today"
We usually text each other like this with her having no job and me in my course we had a lot of free time on our hands to just hang out and do stupid stuff.
"Sure, when?"
She had only woken up an hour before me. We had only just become friends again, for a while we just stopped talking no reason, no fight, just stopped. We do this sometimes but always find our way back to one another after a while.
"I'll leave mine now"
After we stopped living at her mums old house Sophie and I went our separate ways. I moved in with my brother and his girlfriend and she moved in with her boyfriend. It was a 30 minute drive from hers to mine so I had plenty of time to relax. After 15 minutes had past and all the notifications from my phone were gone I finally got out of bed to the balcony. Watching as people walked by me and listening in on their conversations. It was my favourite pass time if I'm honest, some of the things you hear were just great. After another 15 minutes, 2 smokes and a lot of overheard gossip my favourite person arrived at my front door. After letting her in and returning to the balcony we start talking about our lives. The good thing about Sophie was that even though I saw her every single day we never ran out of things to talk about. Ever.
After a few hours of talking, laughing and eaves dropping we decide to do what we do most days and take a drive but unlike other days today would be different because today was the day I met him. The day that things would change forever.
"Have you seen mums new house"
Thinking hard I remember her telling me about it thinking even harder to see if I've been.
"I don't think so"
With that the music went back up to full blast and we were singing and dancing again in her car. Not knowing where we were going but not caring either. It was a 20 minute drive to her mums house one that after a while I got very familiar taking.
With a flick of the key the car died and there we are siting in front of the two story house that I would grow to know like the back of my hand. We head through the side gate and up the stairs. When I hear him, at the time a stranger, I look over the fence to a house that I would have so many memories in awe, it was gorgeous and so was he. I remember introducing myself from afar
"Hey, I'm Kyann. Sophie's best friend" I say with a smirk
"Hello, I'm Justice her neighbour. Nice to meet you" he replies with a sweet smile
"You too"
Thinking nothing of it we continued to walk up the stairs and into her mothers house and from that moment on my life changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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