~Lady Strange~ Pt.2

97 1 0

Pairing: Eddie x metalhead!Reader

Warnings: none yet, I think

Series' general plot: Heavy metal is one of your biggest passions and you like to express yourself by wearing heavy makeup and mostly black clothes, chains and spikes. Your parents however force you to hide your personality because they care about keeping up pretenses and don't want people to label you as a freak. Something or someone unexpected might come in your life and shake things up. ;)

Episode synopsis: Eddie starts 'annoying' you at school.

Word count: 1,6k.


"Oof, wha-"

You wobble on your feet for a moment, staggering backward before regaining your balance and throwing a stink-eye behind your shoulder; the guy who has just bumped hard into you is walking away as casually as possible, as if he didn't almost knock you over. He didn't even acknowledge your presence. What an asshole.

You let out an exasperated sigh while re-adjusting the shoulder pad of your backpack and moving forward in the corridor toward your locker.

It's a new shitty day and you're at your shitty school, surrounded by shitty people; a day in the life of a girl forced to pretend to be just another walking corpse and actually succeeding in being invisible, so invisible that others walk downright over you as if you're not even occupying space. What a marvelous life.

The tight collar of your white shirt makes your skin itch and you unceremoniously pop it open, mentally cursing your parents for the millionth time for forcing you to wear such crappy clothes. "We can't have you looking like a devil worshiper, can we darling?" Yeah well, people would definitely think twice before getting within 10 feet of the devil worshiper, let alone crushing into them. The sole advantage of looking exactly like everyone else is the anonymity that comes with it, but it gets old after a while, especially when you start feeling lonely, and you will get lonely at some point, there's no way around it.

You come to a halt as you round the corner, your stomach doing a somersault.

Eddie is beaming at you as he leans against your locker, arms folded across his chest.

Hundreds of questions start to buzz in your head and as many stupid butterflies wreak havoc in your belly as you mindlessly resume walking, albeit at a slower pace than before.

You haven't seen him in a couple of days, since Robin introduced you to her new group of friends last weekend and you had that weird anti-posers battle-thingy at the mall with him. But why is he now laying so nonchalantly against your locker as if it's the most natural thing in the world for him to do? Have you made it to the friend-zone overnight?

As soon as you're within earshot, you glance up at him with a quizzical look upon your face.

"What are you doing here?"

Somehow his grin widens as he looks you up and down, "well, hello to you too, stranger."

He taps on the name tag on the locker, your locker, and purses his lips. "I'm looking for Y/L/N; have you seen her anywhere?"

You sigh and shake your head, casting a quick glance at your schoolmates passing by before returning your gaze to him.

" No , wrong locker. That's mine", you take a step forward, urging him to back up as you reach for the lock, "I'd appreciate it if you'd let me take my lunch now."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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