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this may be a bit wordy, brace yourselves

Why am I even doing this? Why even bother making a satirization of a niche genre of stories on Wattpad made by mostly teenagers with nothing to do? Well, dearest of readers, it's because I am also a teenager with nothing to do. I stumbled upon this microgenre (as I have taken to calling it) by complete accident and it hooked me. I started reading and I had... thoughts. Not good ones. They were more like the riffs in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 than anything else. And so, I made a comprehensive list of all of the fics I read and took annotations in a Google Doc, since I had hardly anything nice (or constructive) to say to these poor teenage authors. But it still wasn't enough. So I made a ranking. And a TROPE BINGO SHEET (if you want that, i can copy-paste the link in the comments). But it still wasn't enough to sate my morbid fascination with this tiny, tiny genre on Wattpad and only Wattpad. And so, I turned to the wonderful and whimsical medium of SATIRE.

Yes, you heard me correctly, dear reader. This is SATIRE. I am making fun of a genre. This is not serious, nor is it meant to be. And I will probably offend readers who unironically enjoy or contribute to this subgenre. And, sure. I am making fun of the thing you enjoy, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to enjoy it. This isn't some cruel mockery of the thing you love (okay, it is a mockery, but I'm not trying to be cruel on purpose). I'm not trying to get you to stop consuming this harmless thing on Wattpad. Like I said in the previous paragraph, I have a morbid fascination with the Badass American Deku Megatrope. And if you unironically read and/or enjoy the fics of that subgenre, then good for you! Keep reading, I say! I'm just a silly teenager on the internet who hides behind the anonymous mask of a hive mind of moths that somehow has internet access. Who gives a shit what I think? You certainly shouldn't! Read that fanfiction! Write that self-insert! Make those OCs! Cringe culture is dead and you are free.

Also, I'm actively making a serious "deku goes to america and shit happens" fanfiction. Like, not satire. I'll publish it later. Not now, but sometime in the future.

And with that out of the way, I leave you only with this: THE CONTENT WARNINGS.

Smut (this'll mark the first sex scene I've ever written, wish me luck)
Underaged alcohol consumption/drug use
Unintentional transphobia? Possibly? It's at the end of the OC chapter.
Mpreg (I hate myself for this too, don't worry)
Cussing. Lots and LOTS of cussing. And I mean a LOT of cussing.
Unwarranted slut-shaming

Also, My Hero Academia and all of its characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. The only things I own are this story and my own OCs.

American Deku Be Like... (satire)Where stories live. Discover now