The party/meeting

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Previously on broken records :

Until we heard a knocked on the door , I walked towards the door . And saw .........

3rd POV:

y/n saw Hermes at the door 

How did he even found our house ( y/n thought )

Good evening ,ladies  I hope you are prepared  - Hermes 

 Both y/n and Eliza were shocked off to how did Hermes  found their home , but Hermes extend  his hand out to y/n before saying .

The carriage is ready when ever you are my ladies.

He noticed point shoes in  your house 

Pardon my intrusion, but I see you  have point shoes in your house , I was wondering and this is optional  but if I may would you like to  dance  in the party.?  - Hermes 

Y/n looked at Eliza , she nodded y/n looked at Hermes then nodded at him as well . He was delighted to  see them dance 

 Thank you , j will notify lord Zeus's immediately and you can  choose the dance and the  costumes just bring extra clothes - Hermes s

 Both y/n and Eliza  were excited , Hermes waited outside , both sister chose to  do " dance if the little swans ."

You grabbed  your custom and Eli did the same .

30 mins later (cus m lazy and it's late where I'm at 😁):

You arrived at the temple it's was extravagant , you  and Eli were shocked on how massive the temple actually was and how beautiful it is ,Hermes only chuckled at your reactions . You and Eliza fixed your composure before entering .

Both of sisters  saw tons of gods everywhere .  Then and old man went up to you two and greeted you .

Good evening ladies , you look awfully beautiful - ?????

 Lord Zeus these wonderful ladies have agreed to dance for us later in the party - Hermes 

That's wonderful  - Zeus

 Both of you bowed in respect of the older god ,knowing how powerful he is .

Good evening to you too lord Zeus , we are heavily grateful that you have invited us - y/n and Eliza 

 You're welcome now enjoy the party  see you later ladies !! - Zeus

 Zeus said his good bye  and Hermes bowed  before rushing to the divine god . Both the sisters walked around  before y/n bumped into something or more like someone ......

 Authors note :

Sorry if this is short but it's really late for me and all. And I'm tired but I will try to publish another one tmrw . 

Bye foxes 🦊 

434 words.

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