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Previously on broken records :

I didn't know you were a flirt hades , especially coming from you hades - ?????

3rd POV

The four of them looked where the voice was coming from , they saw Zeus smirking at hades and y/n . Y/n blushed immensely while hades looked at his youngest brother with a face that even Poseidon knows not to mess with .

Stop fooling around Zeus , and let's get this over with - Poseidon

I thought hades took a liking into you (points at y/n ) , but very well LET THE FEAST BEGIN -Zeus

Y/n felt a tug on her heart , when she heard that . After that she went silent and just ate in silence ,but hades has other plans .

What's your name -hades

He was talking to Eliza , and Poseidon turned his head to her as well . She replied

Eliza -eliza

Are you two sisters - hades

He looked at y/n for an answer but she didn't answer only continued eating but then eliza spook up .

Yea we are - Eliza

Hades POV

I looked at y/n waiting for he answer but she didn't .( his thoughts )

Did I do something wrong to make her feel this way I hope not , if so I worry that what we have now will be shirt lived .

3rd POV

Hades , Poseidon ,and Eliza were having a conversation. Hades from time to time would try to include y/n , but she would just stop eating , give a short reply ,and side eye him at the same time . Y/n didn't want to talk and it's was concerning both hades , and Eliza . The three conversation was interrupted by y/n .

My apologies for interrupting your conversation but I left something in the room , will you excuse me - y/n

You are excused - Zeus

Y/n excused her self from the big 3 and the other gods in the dinning room .

In the dinning room :

I'll go check on her - Eliza

No stay here lady Eliza , I'll go check wants wrong , excuse me - Hades

Eliza was shocked but nodded in agreement , the real reason she want to go check on her sister was to get away from Poseidon . She was squirming next to him and she knew he noticed .

The hallway

3rd pov

Y/n was making her way to the hallway , but she accidentally bumped into someone ,which almost made her fall but the god caught her by her waist.

My apologies lord shiva - y/n

It's not a problem , just be careful . But what us a beautiful young goddess yourself is doing here alone - shiva

Im going back to the room Hermes gave me and my sister to changed back into our clothes ,because i left something in the there -y/n

Ok than well have a good rest if your evening - shiva

He let go of y/n but in a way to make any girl crazy , he pulled her up than twirling her up than making his leave .but what the girl and the god didn't know there interaction made a particular god Jealous.......


Sorry if this took long for me to update this book because I almost lost my account , but also I will be out of the country so it will take me a few days to update the book but if u have any questions , or request if what I should do in the next chapter or the chapters ahead feel free to message me or comment . Vote plz

Bye little foxes 🦊 ....

Broken records Hades FF(Black Hispanic reader)Where stories live. Discover now