The First Letter

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This letter was retrieved from the Lander's house, XXXX O'Nael Street, our head detective, Cooper Green took the letter to analyze the handwriting.

Cooper takes off his hat and sets it on a hatrack. He takes the letter along with a lighter and lights a nearby candle. He takes the letter and reads it outloud.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You're so sick

I catch the flu when I look at you

"Well, that took a turn.." Cooper stared at the letter, after further analyzing, the handwriting was revealed to be Christen Lander, the current victim at the time. "I can't believe it, it's impossible.." Cooper stares harder. Angered and confused, Cooper sets the letter in a file near his desk and leaves to go to bed.



123 words.

Dear Cooper (Being remade)Where stories live. Discover now