A Whole New School Life

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The next day at school, those who didn't make it to Milagra's party were surprised to see Ramiro's new look. Ramiro liked that he finally hit puberty, but he realized that everyone was now paying attention to him because he was taller and more ravishing than before. It seemed like everyone only liked him because he'd changed, but Milagra was the only one who was nice to him from the start.

"Wow, everyone seems to like my new figure," Ramiro told himself. He wasn't sure if he liked this very much. He sat in the library, waiting for the school day to start, and he was reading a book he'd brought from home.

Bunty and the popular girls entered the library, and they saw Ramiro reading. They were all happy to see him, and they were especially happy that Milagra wasn't around to steal his attention. They all went up to him quietly, and Ramiro wasn't suspecting a thing, so they all shouted, "HI, RAMIRO!"

That was enough to scare Ramiro into falling out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Quiet please!" the librarian hissed.

Still sprawled on the floor, Ramiro angrily asked, "What in the name of Bruno Madrigal was all that about? What did you do that for?"

"We just wanted to surprise you," Zooey admitted.

"You did more than just surprise me," Ramiro hissed, getting up on his feet. "Was that really necessary?"

"No, it wasn't necessary," the librarian said. She turned to the girls and said, "I certainly hope you're not going to do that to every patron that enters this library."

"No, ma'am," Zooey said nervously.

"Good," the librarian said.

"Ramiro, we didn't get to talk to you on Saturday or yesterday," Bunty said.

"Well, I was enjoying myself at Milagra's party, and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone," Ramiro said. "Speaking of which, that was the best party I've ever been to. That Milagra really knows how to throw a party."

"Yes, isn't she something?" Bunty asked jealously.

"So, now that you're not a pipsqueak mouse anymore, I'm guessing you'll be chasing after girls now, huh?" Zooey asked hopefully.

"You think I would because most girls like tall guys, but there's only one girl I really like—or love," Ramiro said. "I've only barely known her for a month, but I'm thinking one day in the future, we'll get married."

The girls were confused by what Ramiro was saying, and it wasn't the marriage part.

"What do you mean you've barely known her for a month?" Zooey asked. "We've known you since kindergarten."

"Yes, and the only girl in the school you've met recently was...," Bunty tried to say. But then she stopped herself when she realized what girl Ramiro was talking about.

"Exactly," Ramiro said knowingly.

Suddenly, the bell rang, meaning it was time for class.

"Okay, I'll see you around," Ramiro said, gathering his books and leaving the library.

Bunty and the popular girls realized what Ramiro meant.

"Milagra?" Bunty gulped. "He's talking about Milagra?"

"He wants to marry Milagra?" Zooey huffed. "But that's ridiculous. She's a space alien from another country, and her skin is flawed."

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