Chapter Twelve: The Lesson

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Reception, Holy Milishial Empire Embassy, Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

Ambassador Legomon came back rolling in a black hemispherical object secured within an ivory-like mount with four-wheeled legs at the bottom. The approximately 3 feet diameter dome faced the Americans and showed their distorted reflections on its clean surface.

"Just give me a moment. I just need to plug it in," said the purple elf. He unrolled a single cable attached to the back of the device and then plugged it into something to the near wall out of sight of the reception/mantrap's window.

Blue light emerged from within the center of the hemisphere. As it resolved to an image in front of the Americans, Corporal Miller muttered loudly, "Oh, it's a TV," before promptly remembering to shut up.

"Did someone say something?" asked Legomon as he returned in front of the object.

"Ah, umm, what do you call this device?" asked Vlad.

"It's a palantír, which literally means 'that which looks far away' in our language. A more appropriate translation would be 'seeing stone.' Palantíri have existed for almost as long as recorded Elven history, with the originals being small orbs you would place onto tabletop holders. As a device, it displays magi-feeds or acts as an external display for personal crystals."

"I see..."

A white-lined map with a black background emerged from the blue haze within the seeing stone.

"I know the Muans have a black-and-white mechanical seeing stone they call a 'tube,' though they can only show recorded images without generated images like the map on this palantír or a PC and have a much shorter lifespan. This model here has been running for over forty years... From your reactions, I know what question you want to ask because other Giftless have asked before you. Think of palantíri or PCs, like gemstone jewelry. Most improvements come from new spellware weaved into it, and if the form becomes a limiting factor, you can repurpose its components into a newer form. Under ideal circumstances, most will be reformed and upgraded by artificers rather than trashed, as they cost a premium for their longevity and the years and probably decades of expertise put into their design and production. With my explanation done, do you have an equivalent picture display?"

After Vlad finished translating, he could see the gears turn in FSO Patricia Sullivan's head as she processed the explanation before she replied, "We have devices that can show generated images over a recording in full colour."

"Once you set up an official embassy here and get all your things moved in, you must demonstrate a selection of your mechanical devices to me when I visit."

"We'll prepare an exhibition for you."

"Good. Now I'll begin this quick history lesson. You're lucky I was a student-level teacher before. If you had anyone else, this would take all day."

"You were a teacher? For how long?"

"Oh, just 50 years."

Only a mere 50 years... Vlad glanced at the FSOs, who all failed to visibly contain their surprise despite being informed during preparation meetings of elven agelessness. He guessed the concept of what that meant had not fully sunk into their consciousness until now.

"I'm 112 years old," responded Legomon dryly to their unvoiced questions in a well-practiced manner. "And this is my second career. You'll rarely see elves commit more than a century to the same job. Unlike more mortal people such as yourselves, we don't retire and never will. Only the occasional sabbatical lies ahead. With that said, I'll start the lesson now.

Many elven generations ago, when the average elven lifespan was much higher than today, over ten millennia in the past, the Central Continent consisted of the dragon-ruled country of Infildragoon, surrounded by elven and dwarfen peoples. One morning, the first expeditions of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire arrived from the southwest with human slaves from the continent of Mu and Demon servants such as goblins, orcs, trolls, and more. Over subsequent millennia they conquered the elven lands. The Sorcerors had superior mastery of mana and blood, and thus their expansion was only kept in check by the might of the dragons."

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