Chapter 2: Clams and Barnacles

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🦪Clams and Barnacles🦪


"What happened to you?" My friend of best, Sage, even asked the obvious.

" the professor still not here?" I sat on a chair beside him after I fixed myself. It was embarrassing to show off this shiny vintage aesthetic. I'm lucky to find the class focused on something more interesting—their phones.

Not so long after, a lady that looked like a terrorizing registrar walked to the center. It looked to me that our oral subject professor had changed. As expected with her non-consecutive teaching.

"Good morning- wait sorry, good afternoon. I am Ms. Aelyza. The spelling is written on my tag and today...if I call your name you ought to answer the given question. Understood?" A very straightforward instruction from miss ma'am. It's not that expected that she wasn't a substitute.

"This is just an impromptu elimination. We didn't notify you since it's an impromptu...get me? Didn't notify...impromptu," she announced while trying to stop her smile. Her last statement didn't sound like a joke, though I'm sensing it's a joke.

"A bit of a surprise isn't it? — for some students. Those who do not understand, just try your best. I accept random answers. Even a kidding one." She seemed the opposite of who she was when she entered.

She took out a paper filled with our names, and began, "Villares. Where is he or she?"

The moment Benz Villares raised his hand, the more he looked nervous. "Oh, it's a he," Ms. Aelyza added a gloomy side comment.

She instructed Benz to go to the center aisle, and asked, "Which is more important: land or water...? Your one minute starts now... actually this is going to be tough," added another side comment.

I giggled after they revealed the question. It was the easiest question to answer. For me, they are both vital: we live on land but we rely on water for the regulation of temperature. If there can't be both choices, then I'd choose land. I can say that it's better to live on Mars than on Neptune. 

"Uhm...water? Because the human body is composed of sixty percent water, and if it's gone then humanity would be gone, also..." followed by him eyeing at the ceiling, confused on his own answer.

I thought this would be a speech, turned out it was like a Q&A.

"Thank you, Mr. Villares. Next is Geila...where is he or she?" Ms. Aelyza roamed her narrowing eyes around as if she wasn't wearing her plump glasses.

It was Sage's turn. I wonder what will be the question. I'd be bursting out laughing if it's about love or whatnot.

"Your question is...which kind of love is the most you adore?" By simply hearing the word 'Love' I chuckled like its ultrasound which no one heard. Sage most likely noticed my squeaking vocals.


After dusting off his clothes, he began his speech, "We all know that Agape or the Love of God is the most powerful gift of warmth and passion. Uhm, love like this is the love everyone receives." He's being faithful right now—it's not the time to laugh.

"While God's Love, Agape, is the most I respect and protect. What I adore is another gift of God. Uh, Philia, perhaps. Only a few people can really understand the love of friendship. Knowing them since childhood, sharing secrets with each other, and trusting them when going down a slide in a playground. Also, when we are in times of comforting needs, they are present in every step we take. It's the sincerest Philia that I adore."

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