Part Four

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Liv's POV :

After the call, i realized that Rhea became tired or kinda sad. She went to the living room and sat on a couch, i followed her and sat next to her but faced her and leaned my back against the couch arm and put my feet on couch and then i leaned my knees a bit closer to my chest and hugged my legs. " Are you ok ? " I asked in a low tone. i didn't want to push her. " Yeah, it's just... hard to me. You know, I'm facing her for the first time. " She said and kept her gaze on the ground in front of her. And i knew what she meant, " I know how you feel, but you have to. I mean, it's not real. You guys are still friends. " I said, hoping it would make her feel better. " I know, but these memories with her were beautiful and so amazing. " She said with a sad smile and looked at me. " You know something ? People come and go, but memories will last forever. But the thing is, Nikki is still with you. " I said, and she looked down and chuckled a little. " Smart speech, mate. " She told me and then looked up." And besides, i don't know what is wrong with her. She doesn't want to talk to me and it's fine. Trust me. " She said honestly. " Well, it might be hard for her too. But you know, you guys made a great job when you were tag-team. " I said with a smile. " Thanks, mate. " She said, and i nodded. And then I looked at the clock. " It's getting late. i have to go, dude. I'm sorry. " I said. " What ? No, no, don't be. It's ok, and thanks for today, mate. Means a lot. " She said and got up, " You're welcome. " I said, and i got up too. " How about I'm giving you a ride to home ? " She suggested. " Sure, why not ? " I said and walked to the door, waiting for her to take the keys.

Rhea's POV :

We were in a car, and i ignited the car and drove away to her place. The car ride was quiet. We didn't say anything, i looked over her she looked tired, and her head was leaned against the window. " I'm sorry, mate. I know today was exhausted for you because of me. " I told her in a low voice. " No, no, of course not. And don't say that again because i really enjoyed being there with you, and today was amazing. " She said and smiled, i smiled back. " Yeah, same mate. " I said and looked at her one last time and put my gaze to the road again.

" Ok, mate, here we are. " I said to her, and i turned off the car and opened my door and stepped out. The cold air rushed to my face. It was nice and comfy. I took a few steps to the car hood and leaned my back against it, waiting for Liv to show up behind me. And then she came to me from behind and stood in front of me. " i don't know how to say that, but thanks. And i hope we will do that again. " She said with a smile. i put my hands on the pocket of my pants and chuckled. " Yeah, well, you're welcome. And just know that. Whenever I'm spending my day with you, it's always nice and great. " I told her and looked around. " Me too, dude. " She said, and i looked back at her. She came closer and hugged me. i put my hands out and hugged her, too. The hug was comfortable and nice. And it was warm it gave me a special feeling. I held her tight, but not too tight. I didn't want to hurt her. Then she stopped, and so did i. " Goodnight, dude. " She said. " Goodnight, mate. " i told her and smiled at her then she walked inside the hotel and i walked back to my car and turned on the car then i drove away.

Monday Night Raw, January/24/2022

I was in my locker room getting ready for the match. Then i heard a knock at my door, " Come in," I said, a bit out loud, hoping the person heard me. The door opened, and i saw Liv. I gave her a smile, and she returned the smile. She looked excited and nervous. " Hey, what's up with that nervous, mate ? " I said as i sat down, and i tried to put my boots on. " I don't know, but it's our first match. " She said, and i looked at her a bit confused. " I mean, not first officially match. We have another partner. " She added and shrugged her shoulders and sat down. " i don't want to let you down, but i think they will split us, you know. " I told her as i finished my boots and looked at her, her smiled was faded. " But i don't want to. I mean, even if they do in the arena, they can't split us in reality. Right ? " She said, searching my eyes with a hope that i would agree with her. " Yes, yes, of course. We are friends now. " I said, and she smiled, i smiled too. " Do you remember when we did a match against each other ? In a fatal 5 away match, the winner faced Becky ? " I asked. " Yeah, i do. Which i won. But not the title, " She said, but her voice became slower at the end. " But you did great. You did all you got. And besides, i was about to win, but you punched me and didn't let me win it, " I said with a chuckle. " Dude, the thing was i won no matter how," She said with a 'Seriously' tone, i laughed. " Ok, ok, i know, mate. I'm just kidding. " I told her. " But you eliminated me too, remember," She said, proud and raised her eyebrows, i laughed a little. " Ok, fine, you got me, done ? " I said, got up, raised my hands in air, and laughed she laughed along with me too. " Let's get out and show them what we got, mate," I said and opened the door and held for her to come out she stopped at door way " Watch us " She said, and smirked. Then she walked out, and i closed the door and walked behind her.

After the match ;

Liv's POV :

We won the match, and i walked in the ring smiling proudly, took Rhea's hand in mine, and raised it. Then we walked backstage, " That was awesome, dude. I'm proud of you, you know. " I said, and while walking to women's lockroom. " Thanks, and you did great, mate. " She said, and we entered women's locker. " Hey, Liv, I'm gonna take a shower and waiting for you in my car, ok ? " She said breathlessly. " Ok." I said and walked back to my lockroom, and i found Charlotte and Sasha. " Hey, guys. " I said to them," Hey, Liv, how are you ? " Sasha said, " By the way, you and Rhea did a great match. " Charlotte added with a smile and looked over Sasha she was smiling too. " I'm good, thanks for asking. And yeah, we did well. And what about you guys ? " I told them, " We are fine. We were about to leave. " they said with a sad smile, " No, it's fine, guys. I'm gonna take a shower, and then I'm leaving with Rhea. " I told them. " I'm happy that you too get along together. " Sasha said, I nodded. " Well, goodbye, Liv," They said. " Bye, bye, lovelies," I said and waved at them and walked away. I walked into my room and walked straight to shower.

I was finished showering and packing my things. I put the bag on my shoulder and walked out, and the cold air ran over my face it was the best feeling as ever. It happened every time, and i found Rhea's car, and i walked to her car. I found her in the car but she was zoned out because she was on her mobile. I knocked at the passenger window, and she looked up immediately and opened the lock. I entered in, threw my bags to backseat, and i sighed. " Tired, huh mate ? " She said and turned the car on. " You. Have. No. Idea. " I said and looked at her. " Ok then, let's get you back to the hotel and get some rest. " She said and drove away. I got a phone call from Sonya, and i picked up. " Hey, Sonya. " I said, with a positive tone. " Hey, Liv. Are you and Rhea left the arena ? " She said, and i looked at Rhea she looked at me too with frustrated, confused eyebrows. " Yeah, we are. But we are not that far, why ? " I told her. " Well, if you could come back, we need to talk to both of you. " She said, and i didn't know what to say. i was so confused. I looked at Rhea, and she rolled her eyes, and she rolled the car to our way back. " Yes, we're on our way
" I said and hung up. " What do you think is this about ? " I asked and put my phone down. " Just some shit and that's all they don't even let us rest. " She said and sighed. " Well, i hope it's a good thing. " I said with a small smile on my face.

We stood in front of the door, and i knocked it, " Come in, " I heard Sonya shout.  We opened the door and walked in, i saw Adam Priest and Sonya sat on the chair behind the table. Me and Rhea stood there . We didn't want to be disrespectful and sit without permission. Sonya mentioned for us to sit in the chairs in front of them, so we did. " Ok, ladies, I just wanted to tell you that you guys are no longer a team. " Adam said, Imy eyes widened. I felt like I'm drowning. I didn't want to be without Rhea. We are a great team, " But why ? You just told us that we are going to be tag-team. " Rhea said in a serious and a bit angry tone. " I know, Rhea. But the Elimination chamber is close, and it's not the right time for you two to be partners. " Sonya explained, and we listened to her. " I say, after Elimination, we will look at the situation if we could. We will make it up to you. " Sonya finished, kinda promising. " Fine, whatever you say. You're the boss. " I said, giving up and flying my hands in air, then placed it back on the chair. " You guys can go. " Adam said with a smile, we returned the smile and left the office.

Sorry, guys, with this slow update, but i hope you don't mind. And please do vote it helps me.
Love you guys 💕

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