Chapter 21

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Victoria's pov;

I wake up to a knock on the other side of the door. " Victoria, are you awake? It's Noah." My eyes still slightly closed I mumble for him to go away while reaching for the nearest object and throwing it against the door. Hearing a quiet chuckle, I curl myself into the blankets. " Someone's clearly not a morning person. I just wanted to tell you that I made pancakes if you're hungry. But I wouldn't wait too long since the guys are coming back to the house soon and they might eat them all." Rolling over, I decide that it would be rude of e to refuse pancakes, especially when they smell so dam good. Smacking my hands on either side of me along with a huff I pull the covers away and head into the conjoined bathroom. After handling my business, I wash my face and brush my teeth before going back into the bedroom. 

Making the bed and grabbing what I now know to be a pillow I straighten it out and unlock the door. A scent of pancakes and sausage cause my mouth to slightly water. " You requested my presence your royal highness" I say hoping up onto a stool that sat across the island in the middle of the kitchen. He turns around with a smile on his face before reaching into one of the kitchen drawers and pulling out a chef's hat before making his face into a serious one. " I don't believe the royal highness granted you permission to sit yet." Noah says playing into the game I started. Letting out a loud laugh shortly followed by one of my own he hands me a plate with 2 pancakes and a couple pieces of sausage. " Thanks, it looks amazing." 

As I start to eat I practically moan from the taste of homemade pancakes. It had chocolate chips inside of it, with vanilla, which is my favorite. " Alright so when you get done fucking your food can we talk about last night?" His face looks playful even though his words came out in a more serious tone. " I left my mom's place its honestly a bit complicated and a lot to talk about especially since I just woke up." Noah sighs but doesn't continue the conversation any further. " Noah listen I -" my sentence was cut off due to the door opening and closing loudly with guys laughing and talking about their night. My face turns red realizing that I'm currently wearing Noah's clothes and my hair is a crazy mess from the rain last night. 

" Noah! Your crazy ass ex is outside sitting on top of your car." The two guys that I saw walking with Noah last night walk into the kitchen and instantly stare at me. " Um we didn't mean the crazy part we just don't like her. Hi, my names Elijah it's nice to meet you." He extends his hand out to me, and I shake it. " I'm Victoria it's nice to meet you too. And for the record we aren't dating or fucking each other so his drama is his business." I say with a polite smile earning a laugh from the guy next to him. " Yeah, your definitely to funny to be with Noah. I'm Owen" when he doesn't reach his hand out for me to shake, I settle with a polite wave. Turning my attention back to Noah I realize that he's taken off the chef's hat and apron replacing the goofy smile with an annoyed face.

Noah puts his finished plate in the sink and looks at me and the guys " I'll be back" he said before walking away and heading to the door. " Wait, I'll come with you. We need to talk about something else in private." Assuming that he said his statement because of me being here I excuse myself putting my plate next to Noah's and head to his room. " Hey, you don't have to leave. They do that to me a lot too, and I'm pretty sure with how big the window is in his room if this girl see's you she will lose her shit. We can chill on the couch and watch something while they talk? Only if you want to at least." Elijah says scratching the back of his head. I smile at how nice he's being and nod my head yes in response before following him into the living room and sitting beside him on the couch. 


" What the actual fuck are you doing here? Are you seriously trying to make a scene right now at ten in the morning!" I say stomping my way down the front steps and heading to the girl holding a brick in her hands threatening to smash my windshield. " Heather I swear if you break my window you will be buying me a new one." She looks at the car and then back at me before responding. " I know you brought that girl home with you from the party last night. Bring her outside and make her leave or I swear I'll break every single window on your car and your house." Heather screams at the top of her lungs while glancing at the door behind me. 

slowly making my way closer to her I start to think of a way to get her psychotic ass away from my car. " Heather, I don't know what you're looking for, but I didn't fuck anyone from the party last night, and if I did why would they still be here?" When she takes another glance at the doorway and only finds Owen standing there, I rush over to her snatching the brick from her hands. She starts hitting me and screaming at the top of her lungs that I'm a cheater and eventually the neighbors started coming out. " I never fucking cheated on you not once! We broke up months ago just fucking get over it already. It didn't work out just accept it and move the fuck on Heather." Pushing her away from me a neighbor yells that he's calling the cops. 

With one last look in my eyes she screams another " fuck you " and runs to her car driving off as fast as she can. Owen closes the front door and gives me a look letting me know that it's something important on his mind while walking down the porch steps. " What's with the face? Are you okay?" Shaking his head no he motions to get into the car. The moment I close the door Owen punches me on the arm. " Dude are you serious! It's already been a long day I don't need to deal with you beating me up for her coming, besides the cops never came so It's done with." Turning sideways Owen faces me " do you know who the fuck that girl is? Or more importantly who she belongs to you idiot?" My face of confusion diminishes his of anger as he drags a hand across his face. 

" She belongs to West. He's looking for her and if he finds out that she's here and went home with you, he won't let you explain your side of the story, he will execute you publicly. You need to fix this now." 


Don't hurt me for the cliffhanger I promise to update soon. TILL NEXT TIME LOVELIES


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