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"Emil, I am bored."

Don was pouting and stared at Sinclair. He understood her feelings. Don had been coped in the house for several days. She was on maternity leave from Zwei Association. The blonde woman could not move, jump, or even work.

Don Quixote Sinclair had been married to Emil Sinclair for three years.

It was the typical office romance. They were partners and were close to doing missions together. Don would charge on the battle, and Sinclair would patch her. Don would attack the enemy, and Sinclair would assist her. Don would get into trouble, and Sinclair would get her off the problems. It was their dynamic for five years of working.

Sinclair had prepared himself to confess but kept failing. Sometimes he was too nervous, lost his opportunity, or ran away because of his cowardice. Sinclair only managed to state his true feelings after one of their mission went array. He blurted out his thought when they hid from syndicate members.

"I should have confessed to you a long time ago..."

Don was staring at him for a long time. Sinclair realized his slip of the tongue and was dreaded. He expected rejection, but her reaction to his confession surprised him. She kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

"Shall we go for a date if we survive?"

Their first kiss tasted sweet.

After dating, their relationship did not change much. Don remained a hyperactive worker while Sinclair followed her from behind. She was always full of vigour and vitality. Everything changed until Don began experiencing constant nausea. Everyone thought she had another case of food poisoning, but the diagnosis was different.

Don was pregnant.

At least Heathcliff stopped teasing Sinclair's capability on the bed anymore.

Don was freaking out. She was hyperventilating and locked herself in the room. Don was not prepared to be a mother. She was terrified of losing her chance to be a fixer. On the other side, Sinclair had mixed feelings. He was angry at himself for being an irresponsible man. At the same time, a tiny spark of happiness slipped into his heart. His own children. Sinclair loved kids and always wanted his own family. However, it would be selfish of him to only think for himself. They had no choice but to talk amid an emergency.

"Do you want to keep the baby?"


Don did not answer him and remained silent. She had been depressed after learning about her pregnancy. Don barely ate and went outside for work. Her cheerful eyes were now distant and dull. Sinclair was worried but did not push her and sat next to her side. After a few minutes passed, she heard Don crying beside him.

"I-I still want to be a fixer, but..." I want to keep this child!"

Sinclair felt a pang of guilt twisted his guts. He hugged her while holding his tears. "You don't need to keep the burden by yourself, Don. I will be there to help you."

Don sniffled. "Really?"

"You can still work full-time in Zwei's association. I don't mind stopping working and taking care of the baby."

Don continued to cry in his chest. She was glad that Sinclair was the one who became her lover. They got married during the spring season. Their wedding photo was memorable. Don carried Sinclair in a princess carry while he covered his face in embarrassment. It was pretty baffling since she was pregnant at that time. They also had other funny pictures of Heathcliff crying at the wedding while Rodya and Ishmael teased him. Faust built them a tree house out of nowhere for their kid (Sinclair was speechless, but Don was excited at the gift).

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