Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV:

I woke up and started stretching my arms and body, I was so excited today, can't wait to play with the new girl's feelings. But there's one thing, how am I supposed to make her like me? I'm used to flirting with guys but when it comes to girls, it's just weird. I wanted to look pretty today, oh what the hell. I always look pretty, I put the cutest thing I could find then went straight to my car and start driving to school. As I was driving I saw Camila walking alone in the rain so I stop my car and I open the window and yelled to her "Hey new girl, jump in!" She looked kinda scared maybe cause I was rude to her yesterday so she rejected my offer. I opened the door and walked towards her with an umbrella and asked her again, "Hey come I'll give you a ride since we both are going to the same school." She paused for a minute then finally said 'ok' in a low soft tone. I opened the door for her and took her bag and put it at the back seat and I could tell that she was smiling. Then as I drove to school I asked her "Hey why are you walking to school when you know it's raining?" There was an awkward silence for like 20 seconds then she finally replied "If I tell you, would you judge me?" "No, I promise I won't." "Well, the thing is I'm poor, my family's poor and I have to walk everyday to school and from school cause my father can't afford a car." She sounded sad. "How about the bus?" I asked her. "We have to save money for food and all." Then I said "Hey, I'm sorry for being rude to you yesterday, I was just angry at someone, I'm really sorry. How about I buy you the best pizza since you've mention you love to eat?" Then suddenly she became so happy and she had this huge smile on her face. "Well, I can't say 'no' to food so okay, when?" she asked. "After school today, I'll meet at the parking lot near where I'm gonna park. I'm Lauren by the way." "I know, I'm Camila." "I know." We both smiled. We finally reached school and she said to me "Thank you for the ride, see you later at English and after school." "Okay, can't wait for the date, I'm really looking forward to get to know you better." I said "date" on purpose, I wanted her to know it WAS a date. 'Hey I'm good at this game!' I thought to myself. I waved her goodbye and went straight to find my 3 power puff girls.

Camila's POV:

Wait, did she say date? Oh no! She's a girl, she's beautiful and popular, I never thought that she'd be g-g-gay. What am I supposed to do? I already told her 'yes' and if I tell her later that I'm not on her team she might be offended. Damn! What should I do? I was hoping Drew would ask me out but it turns out Lauren did, this town gets crazier and crazier each day. That's why they say, 'expect the unexpected'. I guess I'll just have to tell her during the 'date' that I'm not gay. I'm not really looking forward to English, it's funny cause just a few minutes ago I couldn't wait for English now I just- I just don't know what to say, it's kinda weird. I'm not homophobic, I'm just not gay. I like guys.

Time past by quickly and it was English class, damn! Luckily it stopped raining. I walked very slow thinking what to say to Lauren later. As I entered the classroom I sat down at my seat next to Drew, but I noticed that Drew was sitting with his partner. Double damn! I took my book out of my bar then I suddenly heard someone said to me "Hey beautiful! Is this seat taken?" I looked up and it was Lauren. "Hey, oh I'm sorry it is, it's for this beautiful girl who's gonna buy me pizza later. She's really pretty. What was her name again? Lolo? Loden? Ah, it's Lauren. Have you seen her? She's got the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." She giggled, we both smiled at each other and she sat down next to me. Woah! What was that? Was I flirting? With a girl? A girl? That never happened before maybe I should give her a chance. As we were working on our assignment, Lauren suddenly asked me something. "Hey new girl, do you have a crush on Drew?" "What? No, he's not my type." I lied, I don't even know why I lied. She then asked me "What's your type then?" Seriously? Why are you asking me this when we have a date later? OH NO! Maybe she meant as in 'friend date' not 'real date'. OMG! I'm so stupid, of course she's not gay, she's popular, pretty and almost every guy in this school wants to be with her. Lauren then waved her hand in front of my face to get my attention, "Hello new girl! Are you there? Helllloo!" "Oh, what? Sorry I was thinking about food." I lied, again. Then she took a chocolate bar from her bag and gave it to me, "Here, eat this but don't get caught." I laughed and thanked her. She then asked the same question again, what should I say? If I told her that I don't have a type then she'll ask me why I said Drew isn't my type. So I just told her "My type changes every time, like last year I liked guys with curly hair now I like wavy hair." She then giggled. Then I asked her the same question and she answered with a simple 'I don't know'. Finally, the bell rang and I still hadn't eaten the chocolate. As I was packing my books, Lauren then said "See ya later date." Then winked at me. 'Wait, what? Will someone please tell me if she is gay or not. I'm so confused.' I said to myself then suddenly this girl came to me from nowhere and said "Ooolalala! I'm guessing Lauren has a crush on you since you are her type." Thank God for answering my question. Wait, what? Did I asked that out loud? Then the girl left, I found out that she was one of Lauren's bffs who is younger than me.

Lauren's POV:

It has been 15 minutes since the bell rang and new girl still haven't shown up. Where is she? Did she ditch me? OMG! Where is that stupid girl? I can't believe I called her beautiful earlier, but then she fell for it, she even flirted with me. I'm such a good actress, I should get an award for it. Then I saw Camlia running toward me, she apologized and I could see that she was shaking. I asked her what had happened, "Nothing I just blackout, that's all." That's all she said. I knew she was hiding something but I was starving so I just said "You must be really hungry, let's get you out of here." On our way to the pizza place I could see she was still shaking so I decided to hold her hand while my other hand was holding the steering wheel. She then squeezed my hand tightly, her hands were so cold, they were colder than ice. Is she a vampire or something? But she can't be a vampire she said she loves to eat, oh maybe she only said that so people won't think that she is a vampire. Is she gonna eat me? Oh no! I'm too pretty to be eaten by a vampire... Hmm, let's see if she does eat. I grabbed a chocolate bar and gave it to her to calm her down but mostly to see if she does eat. She smiled and thanked me, she open the wrapper and started eating the chocolate, I guess some vampire does eat. I then put on a One Direction CD and she became happy, she started singing along all the songs so I joined her. She looked so cute! She's really good too! O-ma-gah! What am I saying? No Lauren! NO! Focus! It's just a game, just a game, GAME, GAME, GAME! Finally we reached the pizza place, as we sat down I asked her "Hey new girl, what drink do you want? The pizza is a surprise." She then replied "When are you gonna stop calling me new girl? Huh, Jauregui?" We both smiled and ordered. The whole date went 'okay', she really thought I liked her, I was really having a great time but I'm not sure if I was really having fun or if I was faking it. We finally finished and I sent her come, as we reached her house she thanked me with a huge smile on her face. "I know what you are." I told her. She then said "I'm not sure if I'm straight after tonight, I know you're not but I-" I interrupted her. "No silly. I meant your secret." She then looked worried. "I know what you are. You're another girl version of Edward Cullen. Right? You're a vampire." She burst out laughing, I felt stupid! She then said "What? Why would you think that? Do you even believe in vampires?" "Well, your hands were really cold earlier and you seemed to like the rain." She then said "That was because I was cold that's why I was shaking, and plus I never said I liked the rain, I have to walk in the rain cause I don't have a car." I felt more stupid! How embarrassing! I then wanted the game to look more real so I took her hand, took a chocolate bar on the other hand and looked her straight in the eyes and said " New girl, I really really like you, will you accept this chocolate bar?" She then said "Only if you stop calling me new girl." She then took the chocolate bar and said "I like you too." She then kissed my right cheek and walked out of the car. "Bye-bye Lauren, I'll see you tomorrow!" "See ya later Camz!" Camz? Seriously? Soo lame! I keep touching my cheek with my hand, I should feel disgusted but why am I smiling? I hate her even more for making me feel like this. Stupid new girl!

It all started as a game. [Camren]Where stories live. Discover now