Chapter 6

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Camila's POV:

I was walking with Sofia when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I turn around and it was Lauren, she was having a morning jog. She came towards me, took off her earphone and said "Hey there Cutie! I'm Lauren, what's your name?" "Seriously Lauren?" I smiled and raised an eyebrow then Sofi pulled my hand and said to me "I think she's talking to me." Oh yeah! I forgot that Sofi was here. "Camz! Your sister is smarter than you." Lauren said while laughing, I then introduce Sofia to her and she asked where we were going. I told her that we were going to the market to but milk. She then decided to go with us. As we reached the store, Sofi saw a barbie doll and really wanted it, I told her that we didn't bring extra money. After I paid for the milk, I saw Lauren took the barbie doll and paid for it. She gave it to Sofi and told Sofi to kissed her on the cheek. Sofi became so happy that she kissed both Lauren's cheeks and hug her tightly. "You didn't have to do that." I told Lauren. "But I did! Plus look, now she loves me." She then smiled. Lauren send us home, as we reached my house Lauren asked "Hey Camz! Can I have your phone number? You know, so I can text you." I paused for a second than replied "I'm sorry, I don't have a phone." She then said "Oh, it's okay, at least I know where you live. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She hugged me and Sofia and continue jogging.

~The next day~

Lauren's POV:

Ten days left. I'm kinda sad. I'm not sure if I'm sad because I'm going to hurt Camila or because the game is almost over. I'm really having fun. Again, I'm not sure if I'm having fun playing with Camila's feeling or I'm really having fun with Camila. Why did I even agree to do this challenge? Stupid me!

Camila's POV:

*Bell Rings* Damn! I hate history! I went to my locker to take my history books and when I opened my locker I saw a pink box. On top of the box there was a chocolate bar and a little note, as soon as I saw the chocolate bar, I knew it was from Lauren. I read the note and it says "Now you do!" Now I do? What does that mean? I opened the box and it was full of rose petals. Beneath all the rose petal there was an Iphone and an Iphone charger. I switched on the Iphone and there was a text message, it says "Meet me at the music room after school. -L" L? I knew it was from Lauren. Oh damn! I'm late for history class. *Bell Rings* Finally! Can't wait to see Lauren. I went quickly to the music room and saw that no-one was there, then I suddenly heard someone playing the guitar, I turn around and it was Drew. Wait, what? Drew? Suddenly a girl started singing from behind me.


Creation shows me what to do. I'm dancing on the floor with you

And when you touch my hand. I go crazy. Yeah.


I turn around and it was Lauren, I didn't know she could sing. She's amazing! She started dancing with me even though it was an acoustic version.


The music tells me what to feel

I like you now, but is it real?

By the time we say goodnight

I'll know if this is right

And I feel you

Coming through my veins

Am I into you?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

'Cause the way you got your body moving

It's got me confused, and I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece

But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart?

The room is full, but all I see

Is the way your eyes just blaze through me

Like fire in the dark

We're like living art

And it hits me

Like a tidal wave

Are you feeling me?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart

Is it love or is it art?

'Cause the way you got your body moving

It's got me confused, and I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece

But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart?

So come on, baby

Keep provoking me, keep on roping me

Like a Romeo, baby, pull me close

Come on, here we go, here we go, here we go

And it hits me

Like a tidal wave

Are you feeling me?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

'Cause the way you got your body moving

It's got me confused, and I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know, I wanna believe that we're a masterpiece

But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart? Who owns my heart?

Who owns my heart?


"Wow Lauren! That was amazing! You were amazing." I told her. "Thanks Drew, you can leave now." She said and Drew left. "I hope you like the gift." I smiled and said "I love it. But it's expensive, I don't think I can pay you back." She then said "No, it's a gift, you don't need to pay me back." She then looked straight into my eyes and asked "Camila. Would you be my girlfriend?" I giggled and she asked "What's so funny?" I then said. " I thought I already was your girlfriend." We both smiled and then she leaned forward to kiss me but Drew came back. He forgot his phone. Lauren then looked at Drew and then just hugged me tightly. Dammit Drew! She then send me home, as we reached my house I said something to her. "Lauren?" "Yeah?" I then said "I think I'm in love with you."

*Awkward Silence*

It all started as a game. [Camren]Where stories live. Discover now