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Max watched from his seat, a cross the aisle to Iris, as his girlfriend tapped her foot nervously as she finally completed her make up. The couple were waiting for the private jet to be parked so they could disembark and rush off ti the hotel where the baby shower would be hosted.

Seeing her anxious state Max couldn't help but wonder just how bad her relationship with her mother was. The driver had heard bits and pieces about the elusive Hanne Noorgard and with the help of Isan that morning he'd found out that their mother didn't have the best record with relationships, an issue she had projected onto her kids which often led to her unfortunately convincing them to leave their partners.

With that knowledge in mind Max made sure to keep his hand in hers throughout their journey to the hotel. He even carried the gift, which had been purchased by the hotel after he had called that morning, as they headed to the gardens.

Stopping before the door that led to the gardens, Iris turned to Max, anxiously fixing his shirt.

"If at any point you feel uncomfortable, say so and we can leave immediately."
The driver whispered as he looked into her eyes.

"I'm not worried about me feeling uncomfortable, I'm used to their probing questions and antics. I'm worried about you being in a room with the most judgemental person in my life."

"I survived the Hamilton dinner didn't I?"
Iris laughed at the statement
The sound making the Dutch relax slightly knowing that she wasn't to far gone in her anxiety.

"They're angels compared to my mom and her sisters. With my cousin, Maria, finally having a baby, my mom is the last sister without a child. Meaning the pressure is on, especially because Nadine is getting married next year. Oh! Beware of her. She's been competing with me since grandma called me her favourite when we were give."
The driver smiled as he listened to his girlfriend's cute ramblings.
So she rants when she's anxious. Noted.

Taking her hands into his, Max leaned his forehead on hers. The intimacy of the moment made Iris relax as she closed her eyes.

"We'll be fine. If we could fool the entire F1 community, we can pull off a family event. Come on they're probably waiting for you."

Nodding, the model allowed Max to lead her into the room.

Instantly they caught the attention of everyone in the luscious garden.

Sensing her cousins discomfort Maria got up with a smile.

"Iris schatteke sjoeke. I'm so glad you're here."
The two had always been closer as they were born in the same year, making them the oldest grandchildren.

"And I see you have brought a guest. I couldn't believe it when I saw the headlines. I thought that surely my cousin would tell me of she was dating the most important guy in Formula 1 before the papers found out."
A new voice chimed in.

"Nadine. How nice of you to join us, uninvited..."
Maria whispered as she pulled Iris into her side in protection.
Iris winced at her cousins strength.
Damm did pregnancy turn her into the Hulk?

Max moved to stand on Iris' other side as he noticed the newcomer attempting to shake his hand. Unknowingly the action earned him approval from many in the room.

"I know I'm not invited Maria but I thought you'd have room for one more since your baby daddy isn't here."
Max's eyes widened as he saw the venomous smile on Nadine's face.

Noticing the rising tension, Hanne finally made herself known.

"Now Nadine I thought you'd learn about showing up uninvited when I kicked you out of my Christmas party last year. But alas, just like your mother you lack class."

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