Seeking Out

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-No ones POV-

It was a normal afternoon in the Slender Mansion, everyone was doing there everyday thing. Jeff was bored, and he was lying on his bed. He later got up and decided to check on BEN. Maybe they can hangout or play videogames like every best friends would do. He knocked on his door, "BEN? Can I come in?" "Uh. Come in" BEN said as he was playing Call of Duty Ghosts.

"Hey." Jeff said as he was exploring his room. "I was wondering maybe we can hangout. I'm pretty bored." He looked down at him. BEN paused his game and got up "Okay sure" He looked at Jeff and smiled.

"C'mon." He smiled big and playfully punched his arm. He was later leading BEN to downstairs, then they bumped into Slender.

"What are you two rebels going?" Slender asked. "Just going to hangout outside." Jeff looked up at him. "Okay, don't get into trouble." Jeff chuckled, "We won't!" He said as he ran out of the door with BEN.

BEN chuckles and looks at Jeff "So what do you have in mind?" "Maybe do some random shit." He said as he kicked a rock. "Probably we can explore or walk around the woods and talk." He looked at BEN. "Or we can go killing, when it turns night."

"Lets fuck shit up then! :D" BEN says as he laughs weirdly "Huehuehuehuehue -3-" Jeff laughed. "Hahaha, you're a silly butt. •3•" Jeff playfully pushed him softly. "Thank you. I try XD" He laughs and pokes Jeff's cheek. "Boop •3•" "Haha, your welcome." Jeff later poked Ben's cheek. "Boop. That's for revenge >:3" He laughed. "Eeeh" BEN pokes Jeff again "huehuehuehue -3-".

Jeff tackled BEN for fun. They later playfully fought like two-year olds. It's how they show they care about each other. It was turning dawn, and the sun was setting. "So, what now?" Jeff said as he fixed his hair. "We can wait for couple of more hours until it turns night, to go killing." "Heh yea sure" BEN smiles and stands up.

"Okay." He smiled. He later went deeper in the woods with BEN. They were getting pretty far away from the Mansion. Jeff later found a cabin. It looked empty, but that didn't stop Jeff to explore it. "Hey BEN, look, there's a cabin!" He said excitedly. "Wanna explore it?" Jeff turned to BEN. He nods and follows Jeff into the cabin.

Jeff turned the knob, surprisingly it was open. He slowly walked in, and there was a candle and some matches. He lit the candle and hold it, the only source of light in the cabin. He walked slowly. BEN walked behind Jeff while looking around getting a little creeped out.

Jeff grabbed his knife out of his hoodie pocket, in case if they weren't the only ones in the cabin. He later found the kitchen, no one there. They later found themselves in a dark hallway with doors. "This cabin is probably abandoned so I dont think anyone lives here." BEN whispers. "Probably.." Jeff whispered back. "You never know." He whisper as he open door by door. After checking all the doors, all the rooms was empty. "The coast is clear." he said as he took a deep breath.

"Yep I'm right -3-" BEN laughs a little. "Oh shut up." Jeff punched his cheek softly, he laughed as he did. It got dark, the stars was finally out. Jeff always liked the night sky, especially the stars. He later look around the cabin, admiring the paintings in the wall. "Well, BEN. I just realize that we're far away from the Mansion...heh.." Jeff rub the back of his neck. "Oh well. We'll go back tomorrow" BEN looks at Jeff chuckling.

"That's what I was thinking too." He chuckled. "Well, I'll lock the front door in case." He went up to the front door and locked it. He later noticed that there was a fireplace. He lit up the fireplace with the matches he had. He sat back and watched the fire. BEN walks to Jeff and sits next to him "so what do you wanna do?" "I dunno." He shrugged. Jeff looked around and looked at him, "so, anything happened to you lately? Like, what's new?" He asked as he smiled. "Well not really. How about you?" He smiles and looks at Jeff back. "Same old, same old." Jeff sighed. "I'm just glad I get to hangout with you again. I'm pretty busy with Slender and Smile, and all the killing." He smiled. "Heh yea I noticed" BEN smiled slightly.

"Heh, I don't really get to hangout with anyone anymore. It's different being a killer, you know?" He stared at the window, nothing but the night sky outside. "I feel ya." BEN chuckles slightly. "Yeah." He yawned and stretch his arms. "Again, I'm just glad to hangout with you again." He smiled at the ceiling and looked back at BEN. He pokes Jeff's cheek "boop •3•". "Heh." Jeff rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I'm boooooorrrreeeddd!" BEN lays on the floor. Jeff lays on the floor with him. "Me too." He sighed. He later got up, "I'm going to check the bedrooms, maybe they have something interesting." Jeff walked into the hallway, before he did, he turned around, "You can come with me if you want." "Okay sure" He gets up and follows Jeff.

Jeff went to the room and explore inside. He looked under the bed and he found a box. "Hey look, a box." He opened it and found some notes and a small notebook and a bracelet. Jeff grabbed the bracelet and observed it. "Looks neat." He said as he put the bracelet besides him. "Hey BEN, why not you go look in the drawers, probably there's something there." He said as he was reading the notes. "Mhm" He walks to drawers and opens some and finds some old clothes and some pens and papers. "Nothing important here."

"Oh, okay." Jeff said. "Looked like a old man lived here..." He said as he was reading the notebook. "Yeeeep" BEN turns around and looks at Jeff. "Boooooorning!" He threw the book and it hit the wall. Jeff lay in the bed, "what now?" He chuckled. "I don't even know. Hehe." BEN said giggling. "At least we found something." Jeff said as he was playing around the bracelet. "True" He sits next to Jeff and smiles.

Jeff smiled back. "Yeah.." He said as he stared at the bracelet. He later looked at BEN and smiled, " can have it?" He smiled, "I want you to keep it." He looked at him with a smile. BEN takes he bracelet and holds it "Heh thanks Jeff :3" He smiles. "Your welcome, BEN." He smiled and blushed a little bit. But he shrugged it off. BEN blushed slightly and looks away "Sooooooooooo what now?"

-Neko Dylan-
So imma leave off here.
I hoped you guys enjoyed it.
And I hope you guys have fantastic, Amazing, wonderful summer!


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