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"lay the table with the fancy shit, and watch you tolerate it."

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       "WHATS GOING ON RILEY?" were the first words she heard when she had came back to her apartment. she obviously couldn't tell her mother about her super powers, nor could she tell her about how she was interrogated by the avengers for atleast an hour. so she made up a lie.

lying was something riley had gotten frighteningly good at. obviously that's not something to be proud about, but when you grow up in a house like hers, where family is merely just blood and nothing more, you get used to it.

"uh- mr stark just wanted to show me around the place, you know? for my future visits.." she said. the lie came out of her mouth smoothly, as if she wasn't trying.

"are you sure you're not bothering him? you tend to have that habit" her mother shot back. riley just stood there, used to it at that point.

"yes mom, i'm sure." she said through gritted teeth,
she ran to her room trying to avoid an upcoming argument.

her mothers voice haunted her. you're a disappointment riley! you're just like your dad riley! don't wear that! you don't look good! no one wants to be friends with someone as shy as you!

the words lingered in her brain like bad perfume, she couldn't seem to escape them. it was nights like these where she wondered where her father was, or why he would leave her with such a horrible woman like her.

seeing as she couldn't sleep, she decided that a bit of light patrolling wouldn't hurt, plus she wanted to try out the new suit.

she starts swinging around, the new suit making it way easier, as she's roaming the roofs of newyork she spots a familiar face, or should i say, familiar mask.

"hey bug boy! wait up!" she calls out, he quickly turns around, knowing that nickname wasn't anyone but her.

"woah cat! you got a new suit?" he asks

"yeah, like what you see?" she quietly says. peter turns red underneath his mask, grateful that she couldn't see

"wha- no- i-" she lets out a laugh tht almost comes out as a giggle,

"calm down bug boy, i'm just teasing. mr stark gave it to me!" he visibly calms down as she says this.

"yeah uh-it looks great! very nice... mask!" he nervously says

"yeah..mask." she repeats.

"so spidey, where do you go to school?" she asks, trying to ease the tension.

"midtown high, what about you?" she perks up at this

"what no way! me too, what year?" she asks, intrigued to find out more.

"uh- freshman.." he shyly says

"what no way! me too!" she says again in disbelief

"wait really?" he says in shock "

"oh my god wait! you could be flash!" she says in disgust , he shoots up at this.

"what? no! i cant stand that douche. i am definitely not him." he says back, trying to sound convincing enough.

"alright, just for the record! i'm also not flash." she says, sarcasm dripping from her tongue. he lets out an airy laugh,

"yea cat, i think i caught that."

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THE NEXT MORNING riley's tying her shoes so she can make it out of the door before her mom wakes up, she challenges herself everyday to see if she can do it, and most days, she can.

her apartment complex isn't very far from peter parker's, so she occasionally passes him on the walk to school, today happened to be one of those days. "hey harding." he casually says,

"hey parker." she says though gritted teeth, "you need something?" she asks before he gets the chance to open his mouth again.

"nope- just on the way to school." he shrugs.

"great, so am i."

riley groans as she sees what her next class is, gym. it's not that she was bad, ever since she got her powers she'd been good at all sorts of physical movement,

she was just lazy. she sighed as she made her way to that class, she also happened to share it with some of the most insufferable people on the planet. peter, mj, flash and of course, midtown's golden girl, liz fucking allen.

as they were doing sit ups, riley wasn't really doing anything, she wasn't even participating really. she was sitting above liz and her monstrous group, zoning out until she heard her name being called

"hey, riley was it?" liz allen calls out at her, riley sits there in shock, what did liz allen want from her?

"uh- yea- that would be me.." she mentally hits herself for saying that last part. liz let's out a slight giggle

"well, i'm having a party today, you're more than welcome to come!" she tells her. riley freezes, did she just get invited to a party by liz allen?

"uh- yea sure i guess.. i'll see if i'll be able to make it" she replies back and that was the end of that encounter since liz turned back to her group.

she had begun to fall asleep until a sudden sound jolted her awake

"peter knows spider-man !" his best friend, ned leeds, called out.

peter knows spider-man? how would peter know spider-man. she thought to herself.

"please you've never even met spider-man!" Flash calls out.

"i have- i have- through the stark internship, although i'm not really supposed to mention it." he says that last part through gritted teeth.

"well, i'm having a party today, you're more than welcome to come." liz announces

"having a party?" peter says, almost out of breath.

"yeah." and that's the last thing liz allen says as she gets up and walks out the room,

everyone else flees the room, and riley can't blame them, she's also dying to get out of here. she notices that it's only her peter and ned now, but she shrugs it off as she starts to look for her cherry lip balm that she had dropped somewhere .

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authors note!
— alright so i reallt like this chapter, we got to see a bit into riley's mind, we got to see black cat and spider-man, and peter and riley!! there's soemthing exciting coming next chapter so stay tuned lol!

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