What do you call a relationship that is between enemies and mates?

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Harry was in shock. How could he be mated to Louis Tomlinson? I mean he knew how, but the only time that happens is when you are soulmates. How could Louis be his soulmate? Unless...Nope, definitely not. "So, what are we supposed to do now?" Harry asked Louis. "What do you mean?" Louis replied. "I mean, how are we supposed to be with other people? What if we fall in love with someone and then we can't mate with them? What if..." Louis cuts Harry off "I think we should just take things one step at a time." Louis said. Then Louis walked out of the bathroom leaving Harry alone. Harry spent the rest of the school day thinking about Louis and how they were mates. He wondered how Louis would treat him at football practice today. Would he treat him the same he always does or would he be different since they were mates? Before he could think too much on the topic the bell rang dismissing everyone for the day.

Harry made his way to the locker room for football practice. When he walked in the only person there was Louis. For some reason, Harry felt shy and awkward about changing in front of Louis. Like they had seen each other naked why was this so awkward? Maybe it's because they were mates now and this was the football practice that they had since becoming mates. Maybe Harry's inner omega had always made him feel slightly shy about changing in front of the extremely good-looking alpha. Good looking? Where did that come from?

Eventually, the other boys came into the locker room and they made their way to the field to practice. After warming up they decided to play a game. During the game, Harry may have been hit in the head with the ball when Zayn was trying to kick the ball. This caused Louis to become possessive of Harry and growl at Zayn. Harry thought Louis might start a fight if it weren't for his concern over Harry. "Lou, stop. It was just an accident" Harry says trying to calm the alpha so that a fight did not happen. "HE HURT YOU!" Louis says. "I'm fine," Harry says. Their teammates look between the two very confused because they usually hated each other. "Alright, Louis, why don't you take Harry to the nurse to make sure he doesn't have a concussion." Coach Corden said.Louis took Harry to the nurse and the nurse said that Harry did not have a concussion. "Lou, we need to talk about us. I know we agreed we would take things one step at a time, but after what just happened on the field I don't think we can afford to. " Harry says. "What do you mean?" Louis asked, "I mean, Did you really mate with me on accident?" Harry asked. "Because I don't think a mating bond would make you go berserk on Zayn if you didn't already have those feelings towards me." he continued. Louis looked at Harry as if he was crazy. "Of course I didn't have a crush on you before we mated." Louis said. Harry thought he was lying. "Okay, Yes Harry I've had a crush on you for years, but I was too scared to tell you." Louis said. "How long?" Harry asked, "Since you were a freshman." Louis said. "So instead of telling me you decided to be a asshole to me all the time." Harry said, "Yes, I was a stupid boy." Louis said, "You were being an asshole up until we mated on Friday." Harry said "Okay, I'm still a stupid boy. But i'm a stupid boy who loves you so that has to count for something, right?" Louis says. "I guess. So, what do we do now?" Harry asks. "I take you, Harold Styles, on a date." Louis says.

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