The Cheap Bouquet

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When I woke up the machines were once again making the loud noise I couldn’t stand, the room was bright and I was alone. A nurse walked into the room with a clipboard, I stared at her as she walked over to the bed. Without saying anything she wrote down the reading on the machine, then looked at me with a huge smile, “honey you can go home now.” An older man with the name of Dr. Gill wandered into the ward, he stared to remove the cords from my body, I was able to sit up and I looked to the nurse who asked me who to call to pick me up and sign me out. I couldn’t call my dad he was to crazy; I don’t know who to call.

“I’ll come back, ok?” She walked out the room, I sighed, noticing a beautiful vase of flowers sitting beside me. The Roses where wilting, except of one which sat in the centre. I read the note attached to the vase it read…

Hey beautiful,

                        Hime-time here, I need you to know that we had to continue on out tour. Im so sorry I couldn’t be there when you wake up, but I want you to know I will come back for you just wait. I promise, but for now you need to go home and wait, wait for me. Ill come back, the day all the roses in this vase dies will be the day I break a promise to you.


I felt a tear trickle down my cheek, I can’t go home I have no where to go. I’m alone, all alone with no one there from me. I don’t care if Jaime said he would come back, I need him now not in a few months. I looked over to the roses, there was something in the water of the vase, I pulled it out. It was a beautiful red rose which was encased in glass, it would never die.

The nurse walked back into my ward with someone following her, she smiled and announced that my father had come to pick me up! I was shocked he wasn’t fit to look after me, I didn’t know what to do I just stared into space not knowing how to take the sudden information. My father never cared about me why would he care now?!

“Darling, you’re ok to come home now,” my father showed an evil grin as he let the words ponder from his mouth.

I felt sick at the words this wasn’t going to end well.

I walked into the house behind my father, it was trashed, rubbish everywhere. I wanted out; I need to get away now! I turned to sprit out but my dad had already grabbed my arm, “where do you think your going?” he snarled into my ear, I could feel his breath against my skin. It was disgusting I decided to turn and walk to my room, it was empty I had nothing he had gotten rid of everything. I sat on the floor and started to cry, my only friend was not here, my razors were gone and I was itching to cut.

I sat in my room tears rolling my cheeks, my door was slammed open and my father stood in the door way looking furious. I just looked at him, he grabbed my arm dragging me out the room and pushing me down that stairs. I felt a little pain before blacking out.

I woke up lying in my empty room again, I couldn’t remember what had happened but I did feel an intense pain in my stomach and on my legs. I struggled to pull my self up to be sitting up against the wall. I looked to my stomach; shocked a red semi-dried liquid was all over my legs and stomach, the words Slut and whore engraved into my body. I knew these would scar and I will look at them remembering this horrible day, till there gone.

I struggled to get up, when I did make it to my feet a wave of dizziness rushed trough me, I had to lean on the walk to stay on my feet. I slowly made my way to the bath room, cleaning up my cuts I cringed at the pain was the warm water touched the open wounds.

Yayssss... :) on track now and i have a little spare time to write away.... <3


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