The first Punch

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The cuts still bleed a little but nothing major, soon enough it will scab over. I didn’t want to move too much it hurt like a bitch; I slowly wriggled back to my room falling on the ground. I hit the ground hard, wincing in pain and letting a few tears roll down my cheek.

My father barged into the room, dragging me out my room, it hurt and I screamed in pain as my body was dragged across the untidy floor. I was pulled into the lower levels bathroom, and a school uniform was thrown at me.

“Get you ugly fat ass clean and ready for school now!” he yelled at me before shutting the door.

I dropped to the ground, tear treating to fall from my bloodshot eyes. After lying on the ground crying for a good 20 minutes, he came back yelling tell me to hurry up. I pulled my self into the shower which only ran cold water; he had killed the hot water. I shivered as I clean my disgusting body, after scrubbing my body as clean as possible I had to step out, it was cold and uncomfortable. I dried my body pulling my uniform over me, tucking in my shirt I wandered out of the bathroom. My father was waiting for me in the car; he wasn’t letting me out of his sight. I wasn’t going to get away any time soon.

 For the first time in years my dad drove me to school, not like the old days though I wasn’t aloud to leave his sight. He hated me and now he knew I wanted to die he wouldn’t let me go anywhere with out making sure that people knew who I was and made sure they watched my every move. I walked into school a teacher had to take me to classes and make sure I was ok all the time I was never alone, not even going to the bathroom was private I had a teacher stand outside the cubical waiting for me to finish. I hate this; I can’t run anymore there’s always someone there. I’m isolated.

Day after day it’s the same, followed around school by a teacher; no one lets me out of their sight. When I sleep at night I’m locked into my room I get out till he opens it in the morning. I feel as if I’m going crazy. I couldn’t get away from this hell, my teacher watcher person is always sporty and would be able to easly catch me if I make a run for it.

It was day 5 of being isolated; I was just walking into school when my teacher follower came up to me. This time she was different than all the rest, she wasn’t sporty and athletic. She was rather big with the name of Miss. Mars, today I would get away.

Through out the day I acted as normal, doing my school work and handing up due tasks. I was soon going to be free; I was preparing my self, phone in my pocket and a small handful of cash, maybe $40 if I was lucky. I leaned over to Mars bar, I gave her a nickname, boredom gets me to do weird things.

“Hey can I go to the bath room?” I asked politely, she nodded and escorted me to the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet and tied my shoe up, so it would be easier to run, I stuffed my pockets with money and my phone. Soon walking out the cubicle, washed my hands and walked out the door, mars bar followed behind me slowly, the minute I het go of the door, I dropped my bag and ran over the oval.

I could here Mars bar yelling at me and calling other teachers, I soon had people out searching for me. The adrenaline pumped trough my blood, it was fantastic I didn’t know where to go but I was getting away from hell.

I saw a taxi, running I hailed it down, it pulled up next to me and asked where I needed to go. I had to think for a bit, then it came to me. I jumped in the passenger set and requested to go to Pella hotel, where I had attempted to die. It took about half an hour to get there and the fee wasn’t cheep, it cost me $40 leaving me with only $3 left. I thanked the driver, and walked towards the doors of Pella, hoping my belongings were still here.

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