More Stitches

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Mitch sprinted until he body slammed into a nurse lady running to their room.

"You need to help me! My son is dying!" Mitch screamed as he gasped for air.

"Yes I know, I'm coming."

She gathered her supplies scattered on the floor and rushed to the seizing child.

"It's gotten worse!" Scott said.

"How so. Like faster?" she asked placing the child on his side.

"Yeah, faster and aggressive."

"How long has he been going?"

"About a minute or so."

She glanced over at his BPA, and apparently, his blood pressure was skyrocketing.
Then she backed away.

Both Mitch and Scott looked at her like she was insane.

"It should pass," she said.

After about four eerie silent minutes of watching Michael whack out, he stopped immediately like a train wreck.
The nurse cleaned his face of foam and blood, then checked his heart rate again, only this time, to find it near going flat.


"Excuse me," she said as she jammed her fingers into Michael's sternum and began short, stabbing presses. His ribs cracked with each push as she went harder. Single-handedly, she grabbed her pager out of her pocket and called in more support.

"Mind if you guys step out for a bit? It's gonna be crowded in here."

Scott and Mitch hesitantly backed out, watching the room slowly becoming engulfed in panic.


They were sent to a waiting room and told it could be up to a few hours, when suddenly, Mitch got a call from Kirstin.


"Hey Mitch? Say, uh, is Scott busy? I kinda need some help over here."

"What's the matter?"

"There's this guy looking for him. Says he knows Jeremy and something about Scott in prison?...I don't know I couldn't really understand him too well."

"Scott was never 'in' prison, Kit-"

"I know but he was a mumbler."

"So...where is he now?"

"On my couch."

"You let him in?!"

Scott jumped, hearing Mitch raise his voice so suddenly.

"Yeah. He looked cold. It raining pretty hard, you know."

"Yeah but-ugh. Don't let him touch you, okay. My god Kirstin..."

"He's a calm guy."


There was a beat of silence.

"H-hold on a sec," Mitch covered the bottom part of his phone as he talked quietly to Scott.

"Kirst says there's this guy at here house looking for you."

"For me?"


"Like now?"

"Yeah. He's on her couch."

"What the hell? Why'd she let him in?"

Mitch closed his eyes and shook his head. "He said he knows about your almost-jail sentence."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows.

"What you wanna do, stay here with me for a few hours in this freaking waiting room or go talk to that dude."

"I don't know when I'll be back and, I don't wanna leave Michael like that. Like what if there's some complications or something."

Mitch shrugged. "Your call. I'm staying here for sure."

Scott looked down and his hands in thought.

"Call me if anything new happens."


"Seriously. Anything. This dude isn't as important as Mike."


Scott lightly pecked the top of Mitch's head and left.


Scott stood anxiously at Kirstin's door.

"Hey Scott," she said in an downbeat way.

"Hi Kirst. Is there this guy who wants to talk to me here...?"

"Yeah, over there." She pointed to some older gentleman in a dark brown trench coat and khakis. Scott instantly felt uneasy about him-especially the fact that Kirstin had already been chilling with him alone in her house. He tried to ignore any thought of what they could've done together.

"Hi I'm Scott," he said.

The man stood up and sympathetically shook his hand. "I apologize for everything. If there is any way I can repay you..."


"Do you know Travis? He's my son. As well as Jeremy, as your friend might know," he motioned at Kirstin. "I've lately found out about all the ruckus they've caused you and I could not be more ashamed. Please forgive my boys, they've had a rough life without a mother."

Scott began to feel really uncomfortable when he started going deeper into the mother's death story. Why did he even care to know that anyways.
He had no idea of how to respond to any of it.
However turns out, Jeremy was an underclassman during their high school years and was so outcast because of his autism that he had to have special classes from others.

That's why Scott never knew about him. He figured, he did know Travis a little through Mitch's relationship with him, but never thought there was any relation with Jeremy.

The man continued on to say that they had done it in an act of a jealous rage because of the trio's choir successes, but it seemed like the dumbest thing to be envious about ever.

"Please forgive them." The guy was practically on his knees.

Scott could slowly start to tell he had some mental delay as well.

"Sure?" he said nonchalantly.

"Good," the man straightened up and grabbed Scott's shoulder, "Now, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Help me get Travis out of the big house?"


"Mr. Grassi?"

Mitch looked up from his phone.

"Mind if you come back?"


He followed the doctor into the same room Michael first had his seizure. Dr. Faye was standing over the boy, his head held low.

"What is it? What's going on? Is Michael okay?"

"He needs another operation."

"What? Why?"

"His main artery in his brain is hemorrhaging. We need to drill in a shunt to keep his blood supply going otherwise he could become brain dead."

Mitch wanted to scream and curse at the doctor, but he plastered on a dull expression.

"Whatever it takes to save him," he said.

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