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I aim my gun at an Indian soldier and pull the trigger.

Perfect hit.

I run into the battlefield, grunting as I feel my ankle was sprained. Most likely from jumping into the hole I used earlier to take shelter. The sprain is only slight, but it's there. I see another soldier on the opposing team run towards me.
I pull the trigger.
I look back and see Aoi running not too far behind me. I look in front of me and see another ditch that can fit at least seven people.

"To the ditch" I shout to Aoi.
"Roger that" she shouts in reply.

I see some of our squad in front of me.
Another soldier in the opposite team fire's a bullet towards Isamu. He's one of the best soldiers we have, we can't afford to lose him.

"Two o'clock number 117" I shout to him.

He dodges the bullet, thankfully.
I run faster towards the ditch.

"311 watch out!" I hear someone shout towards me. As I look to my left I see an opposing soldier pull his trigger at me.
He misses.
Otherwise I would be another dead corpse on the battlefield, waiting to be cleaned up. I step on a dead body, it's a woman from the other side. She had her gun in her hand, the same one as me, and a grenade in her pocket. I take the bullets from the gun and the grenade.
I run into the ditch and fire my gun at another soldier coming our way.

"Where's number 237?" I shout once in the ditch.
"He didn't make it" number 483 says. I want to cry, he was my best friend. But I can't cry, not here, not now, not ever, never let them see you cry. Yet I feel a tear run down my muddy face. I take a breath and look towards the enemy, I pull my trigger at a woman running towards us.
Aoi gets into the ditch with the rest of us. There are three other people in here excluding me. I check my gun. Two bullets left.

"I'm gonna pull the grenade, take cover" I shout as everyone in the ditch covers their ears with their hands and lies flat on their stomachs. I pull the ring of the grenade and throw with all my might towards the enemy. It's times like these I was glad I played rugby as a child. I do the same as the rest of my squad an count down.


The grenade explodes. As we all get up we hear another explosion, much bigger than the previous one. Once the explosion is over I peer my head out to look along with the rest of the squad.
A whole tank was exploded, this one in particular was carrying explosives, which got set off by the grenade I originally threw. I didn't even see it.

Most of the Indian soldiers were dead, some gravely injured, but most of them dead.
My squad and I run out of the ditch and begin to fire at the remaining soldiers.
Number 473 gets fired at in the arm by a remaining soldier on the opposing side.
Aoi kills him.

We run towards where the base of the Indian soldiers is located. I see some people from the other squads already there.

"Scout the area for other weapons, documents or anything that could potentially be of use to us" I say to my squad.

I realise I forgot to reload my gun. I see the Sergeant of the other squad, counting his grenades.

"Sergeant Kato" I say saluting him.
"Sergeant Aizawa" he says smiling at me.
"Did all your squad make it?" I ask.
"I lost two soldiers, one is in need if medical care as soon as possible" he reports.
"I lost one soldier today" I say.

"Sergeant Kato, Captain Aoki said to report to base immediately" number 384 says.
"Tell him we are on our way" Sergeant Kato says in reply as he grabs his gun from the wall it was leaning on.
"Sir, yes sir" he replies as he leaves.

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