the backrooms chapter 1

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Nick was a normal guy who lived a normal life. One day after he got off work he was walking home when the floor felt like it suddenly gave out under him. At first he thought that maybe the concrete gave out under him so he braced for impact. He was very confused. Is this a normal thing, will I be ok, can I sue because I don't have the money to pay for those hospital bills?!?!?!

When he opened his eyes he looked around and was even more confused. The sight that was Infront of him was confusing and concerning . He was in an office? The office had damp and moldy carpets. The walls had yellow wall paper that was stained and peeling. The was a strange hum coming from a location that couldn't be found. The weirdly bright light was giving him a head ache. He had to get out of here. He got up and walked around a bit. His back hurt from the fall. He was already tired from the LONG day at work.

He had to find a way out. What would his cat think. He's already late and he didn't know what time it was or what time he would go home. He remembered his phone in his bag. Maybe he could send out an SOS or text someone. He pulled out his phone, it was on 50% and had no bars.

It felt like he had been walking for hours. His feet hurt and he just wanted to go home. He sadly sat down and cried a bit. All he had wanted to do today was to go home and make sure his cat was ok. Instead of doing that he was stuck in this weird room with a horrible headache. He covered his head with his hood and hugged his bag.

He woke up a while later and decided to continue to walk. Maybe he find something this time. Around a minute later he turned a corner and saw something. A man in a hazard suit that was tied to a rope that went down the hall. He stood there not moving, this was the first LIVING thing he saw in who knows how long! He ran to them screaming and crying. As soon as they saw him they yelled "STOP RIGHT IN YOUR TRACTS AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE HERE!!!!" The person stuck a large gun out and clearly wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

Nick said "IM HUMAN!! AND IM LOST. I NEED HELP. PLEASE?" He had his hands over his head and was shaking like crazy. "I was walking home and-and then I was here. I-I don't know what to do. I'm scared and tired and I want to go home" He said while crying. The person yelled down a hall "WE GOT A LOST PERSON!!!! IM GONNA NEED SOME HELP!" Nick was confused, Who are they yelling at? Around 10 seconds later 4 people dressed the same as the first person ran over. As soon as they see nick they run to him "Everything will be ok. we are here to help. please stay calm." They say in a soft calming voice as they get to him. They grab his hand and try to bring him somewhere.

"hold on one second! who are you? what do you want? where are we going? what are you doing with me? where am I now? why won't you answer my questions?" Nick asks as the people ignore him and pull him to another location. As they are walking nick notices that things are slowly changing. Random tiles in the roof are nocked out, leaving a hole where they used to be. Nick tries to see what is in the roof but all he can see is darkness and wires. It seems like there is no end to the celling, like it goes on forever.

He sees random people dressed the same as the people who are still dragging him down the hall. Finally they stop. Nick stands up since they drop him and looks around. What he sees is like they same weird office hall as usually but with small changes. There is a large hole in the wall, where the hole meets the wall there is metal details and little robot things. On the other side of the hole is a different room, It doesn't look like the usually yellow walls and carpets. Instead it looks like a lab. There are people in lab coats and big computers.

"Name?" A short lady with big rounded glasses asks. "What?" nick replies taken off guard. The lady looks up clearly annoyed. "What's your name sweety? I gotta look you up in the system so we can continue with this." She says in a northern accent. She looks back to the tablet and waits. "Um nick smith. Where or what is this?" She puts it in the tablet and looks up. "What was the time and date of where you came from." She asks still annoyed. "June 2ed 2023, and I think around 9:30."

"Ok sweety you're gonna have to go over there take a left, then a right, then you'll be at a room. The door should say G. Charles. When you get to that door knock 3 times no more, no less, when she answers say Brenda sent you. And she'll help you get home to Mr muffins. Ok?" She explained pointing nick to the hall, Weirdly knowing his cats name. She seemed more understanding. "um thank you" He said repeating the instructions in his mind.

He walked down the hall looking at every thing and anything. He saw employ of the month which was the same woman hundred's of times. He saw images of the lab years before with less stuff and people then now. He turned a left as the woman said. He continued to look at the weird decoration. Then he turned a right and 10 feet in front of him was a door with the words "G. Charles" on it and some small text but nick didn't care to read it.

He slowly walked up to the door. He had no clue what would be behind the door. He slowly knocked the door. *knock* *knock* *knock* The door didn't open. He was worried, did he do something wrong? As he went to go knock again the door slowly opened. "Who is it? What do you want?" A voice Said behind the door. "umm this is nick, Brenda told me to go here?" Nick said confused about who it was.

The door fully opened and in the door way was a tall skinny woman with a short bob. In the room was an office that was dirty and had papers stacked to the celling. She pointed for him to sit down at a chair. He sat down but was still confused. "Well mr nick I see you got yourself in to a weird situation. Now let's see, tell me how you got here, ok?" The person said while taking a paper from a stack.

To be continued...

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