The Backrooms. chapter 2

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Nick told the lady everything that happened and asked many questions that some were off topic. The lady had to take a second to write all this information down to see what the best out come is. "So I can hear that this situation has caused a lot of stress for you. Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to make a formal complaint?" The lady said grabbing a paper for another stack of paper. "umm I guess I could make a complaint, but can you please tell me what is happening? No one has answered my questions, I'm really annoyed, I just want some answers before we an continue. " Nick ask frustrated about being ignored.

"Ok, well I'm Ms. Charles and I am the manager, and I mainly work on lost people or dead people. You got yourself stuck in a place in which I can't tell you about due to legal reasons. What we are doing is trying to see what to do with this situation that you caused. We can get you back to your time, we just need your help to fix this. Now please fill out this form so we will see what to do with you. ok?" She said handing nick a stack of papers and a pen. It was a thick stack of papers. He was so confused. Why can he know about where he is? Why did they say he caused it? He did nothing wrong! He just wanted to go home, but now he's stuck in this weird place.

He got told to sit in the hall until he was done, so he didn't distract Ms. Charles. He sat on the brown carpets in the hall. There were no lights but a small lamp. The carpet in the hall was itchy and smelled weird. He read the papers, these questions were very weird. Finally he got all the paper work done, he could turn it in and go home. It felt like hours filling out that paper work. He knocked on the door again. The door cracked open and Ms. Charles looked at him though the crack of the door "WHO IS IT- oh its you. Come in. Do you have the papers properly filled out?" She said opening the door wide and moving out of the way so he can go in to the room.

He sat down in the same chair he sat in the first time as anxious as before. Ms. Charles sat down looking at nick. "Well?" she said annoyed and confused. nick sat there for a bit, trying to figure out what she wanted. He slowing handed he the papers seeing whether that was correct. She quickly grab it annoyed and started to enter information in to a weird looking computer. "finally! its like you haven't done this before." She muttered sarcastically. "Well yeah. This isn't a normal thing to happen and you guys have been mad at me this whole time. I DIDNT CAUSE THIS! also-" Nick started to say frustrated from the whole thing. Ms. Charles looked shocked from the disrespect. "Well lets agree to disagree. ok?" She said interrupting nick and trying not to cause an argument. "ok." Nick sighed in defeat.

After that they stopped talking. Causing an uncomfortable silence. You could here a pin drop in that room. Finally someone said something. " So after putting all your info in to this and doing some extra work we figure out what to do with you!" Ms. Charles said with the fakest smiles nick has ever seen. "umm ok? What is it?" Nick said impatient just wanting to go home. She started to explain "Wow no thank you? You ungrateful piece of- ANYWAYS what we have here are three choices for you. Now the first choice is execution, This is a great option for you I think you should-" Nick cut her off "NO! I will not be doing that!" He stated concerned about this company's morals.

"OK! Calm down! Wow you don't need to be so dramatic! Anyways. So your second option is to go home under supervision to make sure you don't tell anyone about what you caused. You'll need to sign a form stating that you won't tell any one and if you do we have permission to punish you if the rules in the form are broken. You will be able to go home at anytime an hour after or a day before. And finally your last option is for you to work with us and we will train you to work in the lab, an office or out on the field. All you're stuff can be moved from where it was to here and we will make sure your family and friends won't worry or ask anything." Ms. Charles said waiting for nicks answer.

Nick sat there trying to figure out what to do. He wasn't going to do the first option. The second one would make sense and he could go back to his normal predictable life. Its one of the safest options even with the "punishments" Ms. Charles talked about. Also with the job offer it could give him a more livable wage and/or a better work environment. But what are the jobs, and why did the offer the job to nick. " Why would you offer me a job, and what is the job?" Nick blurred out concerned about his safety.

"Because you have good experience for this job. I cant tell you what the jobs are. My boss will kill me if I tell anyone, trust me I'm not try to be rude or with hold information from I just cant tell you. In my opinion I think you can take the job. You will get paid fairly, Won't have to pay rent for the rest of your life, you will have free health care and we will make sure your needs are taken care of. Your cat will live with you as long as your here and if you die before them they will be given a nice home. I know you will prefer this job, since at your last you weren't happy, also you want and deserve better. This job will give you what you the life you so rightfully deserve. If you don't want it that's fine, but the offer is on the table. trust me, take it." Ms. Charles explained actually trying to help him.

"ummm I'll have to think about it. Thank you for helping. Its greatly appreciated." Nick said getting up to leave. Him and Ms. Charles started walking to the door. "Please come back when you have thought it out. Take your time and if you need anything please come ask me or any one. I'm sorry if we were being rude. Tell me if you have any problems." Ms. Charles said while hand him a bottle of water and a bag of chips. He walked out less confused and less scared. He has a clear solution in front of him but yet he can bring himself to go thought with it. He's scared, how will his life be with this info looming over his shoulder. If he takes the job what will he do, he understands why she couldn't tell him any extra info but still.

He sat on the ground and drank the water. He hadn't relied how dehydrated he was until now. He was tired and hungry from the whole situation. All of this was so much that he barely got the time to sit and process this. He grabbed his phone and a charger from his bag and walk around the lab and the halls to find an outlet. He finally found one and plugged in his phone and sat down. He opened his phone and started to scroll though his phone. He got one bar, which is one more than before. He checked the day and it had been more than 24 hour since he had gone missing.

Brenda walked over to nick holding a lunch box and sat next him. "Hey, are you ok? I saw you siting here all sad, what's the matter?" Brenda asked checking on nicks well being. Nick looked at Brenda "I don't know. everything is so confusing. What you doing?" He asked trying not to be to awkward. She opened her lunch box and started to pull food out. "I'm on my lunch break so I decided to come hang out with you. Is that ok?" Brenda said handing him a sandwich. He looked at the sandwich, it was a tuna salads sandwich cut in to four triangles. It looked like she put some potato chips in it and some hot Sause on it too!

"Thanks! I didn't relies how hungry I was until now." He jokingly said while taking a bite out of the sandwich. "So what's wrong? And don't tell me you're ok, we both know that's a lie." She asked trying to help him. "I don't know. I'm just so confused and I don't know what to do. Going home would be the safest thing to do but is it the best. I'm not going with the first option. That's just common sense. But what if I take the job. Will it be good for me? I just don't know." He stated while taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Do you want to tell you what I think you should do? Or just listen." She asked. "Just tell me what to do. Please?" He said eating the rest of the sandwich. Brenda turned to nick and started to talk "Well I think you should..."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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