Chapter 1: The Lantern of the Troupe.

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A/N: Alright. First of all, I HATE HAVING TO GET THIS CHAPTER DONE BECAUSE I PROMISED IN THE PROLOGUE THAT I WILL GET IT DONE SO OH MY GOODNESS. (HOLY HECK I AM SO STRESSED RIGHT NOW!) I'll try to keep these chapters PG but NO PROMISES! so shush. But, my fricking ADHD brain makes me think slow. SOOOOOOOO, these chapters aren't gonna be that long. I really hope that's okay. (I'll get better at writing as the chapters progress. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, by the way, i'm dumb and stupid. Anyways, I don't want to waste any time, so onto the book that I stress so hard about!

As Ghost stared at the lantern, awfully confused and intrigued by the red glow of the lantern light, it reached out to touch it, and it lost a mask of damage. As the pain in their hand goes away, the Knight Unsheathes it's nail, and hits the lantern.


Nothing happened.

The Ghost swung its nail a couple more times, and the Lantern gets lit, followed by a tiny jingle, and the Ghost looks around, seemingly on edge. The Vessel can feel the burning intensity through it's shell, which causes it to run out of the tiny cavern it was in. And runs back to the Stag Nest.

As it explores more of Hallownest, it eventually gets chased out of The Infected Crossroads, and heads up to Dirtmouth, and hears the faint noise of music playing on an accordion. And the Vessel immediately asks Elder Bug about the occasion. But the old bug is confused, but says that he doesn't know why the whole music and giant tent thing is about, the Vessel looks behind the Elder Bug, and sees the giant tent, so the Vessel walks away from Elder Bug mid-conversation, and heads to the tent, to see what the whole thing is about. As the actual story begins.

A/N: HECK YEAH! I FINISHED CHAPTER ONE! Now you guys can't complain to me. so ha. but anyways. chapter 2 tomorrow. K BYEEEEEEE

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