Don't Tell | Chapter 2

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I landed in an alley as I heard someone gasp loudly.

I looked over to see Gayatri with her hands on her mouth in shock. She is friends of Pavitr and I's, she normally hung around but I never saw her a lot some of these days.

Pavitr even asked her out like ten times and she always said no for some reason. I think she has a boyfriend already, she told me before and I never wanted to tell Pav because I think he would be really broken...

I mean, you could say where best friends but I don't really say that I just think she is really understandable and understands things sometimes.

"Gayatri! Don't you dare tell anyone!" I said going over to be as she looked at me in confusion.

"What is that under your eyes!" She said as she poked it making me flinch a bit.

"Come on, I will talk to you when where not in the open." I said grabbing her hand and brought her inside of school and put my head down so no one could see me.

I looked to see a open classroom with no one in it, as I stepped in with Gayatri I closed and locked the door behind us.

"Listen, I woke up like this and apparently I can shot webs and stuff it's been a really weird day I don't know what even is going on!" I said fastly as I pasted around the class.

Gayatri pointed to my hair putting her hands back on her mouth. I took my hair and to see that the bottom of my hair was light brown.

"What is going on?!" She asked as she shakes my shoulders.

"I don't know but can you help me some how?" I asked.

"Hmm? Maybe I could make it look like makeup?" She said as she let's go of me and looks in her bag for a minute. She pulled out some eyeliner and gave me a small smile.

"What do you need that for?" I asked as she grabbed me and say me down in a chair.

"If I put eyeliner on your eyes and then your new ones it would look like there fake and your like going for a new look." She shrugged and started to put the eyeliner on.


After she looked at me with a empressed smile. "I think I like it!"

"Really? Can I see, can I see!" I said loudly.

"Uh, here." She gave me her phone that was open on the camera, I looked at my four eyes and it looked pretty cool.

"So what do you eyes do?" She asked as I gave her back her phone.

"Well, if I close my main eyes the bottom ones can see though walls and stuff." I said with a shrug.

There was then a knock on the door and Pavitr opened the door. "Uh, Hobie-"

"Don't you dare freak out." I said standing up from my seat going over to him and he looked even more shocked as I came closer.

"What- how- when?" Pavitr was a lost for words as Gayatri silently walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Hobie, didn't say it was like that... He just said 'she's new and improved' something like that." Pavitr said putting his hands up to do quotes he looked a bit confused.

"Hm, sounds like something he would say..." I say looking down.

"So, what happened?" Pavitr asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, wellyesterdayIgotbitbyaspider andnowIhavefoureyesandI canshootwebsandseethrougwallsoutofthebottomonesand ifIclosemymainonesbutIjustdiscoveredthistodayandnowIdon'tknowwhattodoandhowtohide it!" I said fastly and it sounded a bit jumbled up.

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