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Amy was walking to her house and thought her boyfriend Sonic had been acting weird but brushed it off as being stressed. Amy made chili dogs and went to his place, but she heard noises; she looked through the window and saw Sally and Sonic making out for five seconds.

Amy's eyes start filling with water. While silently crying, she wrote in her letter to Sonic, 'I saw you making out with Sally; we are done, you jerk.' Amy left the chilidogs and the note and ran into the nearby forest. After running for a mile, Amy bumped into Shadow. "Oh, I'm sorry." Amy looked up and saw Shadow.

Shadow made eye contact as it started to rain. "Here, let me get you home." Shadow picked Amy up bridal style and teleported into the middle of Amy's living room. "Thanks, Shadow."

Shadow put Amy down on the couch and proceeded to sit beside her. "Rose, what's wrong?" Shadow was concerned and wanted to help his friend.

Amy wiped off her eyes as she continued to sob. After a while, Shadow held her as she started to cry on him. Amy calmed down after a few minutes. "Sonic, my now ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with Sally Acorn." Shadow looked at Amy. "That squirrel princess and leader of the freedom fighters?"

Amy nodded. "Yeah, I made chilidogs, and I made a handwritten letter. I headed to Sonic's, but I heard strange noises. I looked through the window, and they were, making out in the living room. So I took out the note and wrote that I saw them, and we were done and left everything at the front door, and that was when I ran and eventually bumped into you in the forest."

Shadow held Amy; he remembered what Cream's mom, Vanilla, did for Cream when she was sad. "Come on, let's watch a movie. I will suffer through any movie that Sonic can't watch with you. I hear him whine about it all the time."

Amy chose a movie called 'Twilight.' Shadow looked at Amy. "I have seen that. Rouge sat me down and made me watch it. I watched all five because of mere curiosity. It's your choice, Amy." This made Amy happy, and she put in the movie.

During the film, Amy cuddled up to Shadow, who blushed while pulling her close; both stayed comfortable and focused on the movie, where Bella revealed she knew what Edward was. Shadow felt that it was somewhat referenced to him and Amy.

They watched the series until they heard knocking while Jacob and Edward fought after Jacob kissed Bella. Shadow paused the movie while Amy got up and opened the door. Sonic was right there with a pink and red rose Bouquet. "Amy, please, I didn't mean it to go that far; I won't do it again. I want to make this work, please, Ames." Shadow heard Sonic beg. He thought Amy might take him back until he listened to her words.

Amy was Furious. Sonic couldn't stop her or the moment from happening, yet he was fast enough to take down Eggman! "No amount of apologies or flowers can help us. You can't stop an affair, but you can stop Eggman! We are done, Sonic the Hedgehog!" Amy slammed the door on Sonic and locked the door.

Shadow whispered that they could finish the movies at his place. Amy nodded and went upstairs after packing a backpack of her pajamas, bathroom hygiene needs, and some new day's clothes then grabbed her hair brush.

Shadow approached her with the third, fourth, and fifth movie discs. "I have the rest of the movies. Let's get going. I turned off all the lights." Amy held onto Shadow as he teleported to his lovely and clean place. "Take some time to get settled; I will set up the movie." Shadow started setting up the film as Amy sat on the couch.

"You have a nice place here, Shadow." Shadow heard Amy. "Thank you, Rose." Shadow sat beside Amy and played the movie from where they left off. Amy started enjoying the film with Shadow and started cuddling up to him.

Eventually, after they finished the fifth movie, Shadow turned on a show called NCIS. "It has some action and comedy to it. Want to try it out with me?" Amy nodded and smiled, which made Shadow blush. "I would love to Shadow." After a few episodes, It was 11 PM; Shadow looked over and saw that Amy was asleep.

Shadow turned off everything, took Amy to his guest bedroom, and tucked her into bed after taking off her shoes and setting them next to the door. Shadow then grabbed her bag and put it next to the bed.

Shadow looked at Amy and went over to her. He stared at her with his crimson eyes. He knew what he felt. "Rose, If I were yours, I would never let anyone hurt you again and never make the mistake that Faker, Sonic made." he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead.

He slowly pulled away. "I love you, Amy Rose." Shadow walked towards the door. "Good night, Rose." Shadow walked out and gently shut the door. Shadow went to his room, set his 8 AM alarm, went to his bed, and slept in his dark room.

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