Its Hard (Duff)

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The clock reads 4:00 a.m. as you sit in the dimly lit kitchen. Your boyfriend, Duff, said he would be home at 10:00, for a date night. Apparently, something came up... again. In the last month this is the third time you and Duff had things planned that he just 'forgot' about. You shivered as the cold wooden chair held your thighs and sighed as you finally heard keys jingling at the front door. You turn your head and see none other than your boyfriend, drunk off his ass stumbling into the kitchen where he flopped his boots off onto the floor. "Where were you this time?" you said bluntly, getting straight to the point, preparing for his excuse. You understood that there would be late nights with Guns and you were so proud of him for living his dream in a rock and roll band. But things like this have been happening more and more frequently, and there was hardly any time for the two of you with your careers and his partying. "I was out with the guys.." he mumbled. "I'm really sorry I couldn't make it home babe." You take a step towards him and its clear what he was doing based on the smell of vodka in his breathe. "Duff I can't deal with this anymore." you said to him, his face contorting at your response. Tears formed in your eyes as you explained. "Every time you come home you are drunk, and I know all of the late nights aren't spent in the studio. You are finally home from touring and you can't even make it home to spend time with me." The guilt Duff was feeling was indescribable, and his hands met the sides of his face as he listened. "It's like you love vodka more than me..." you trailed off into a whisper and looked away. A calloused hand grabbed your chin, another snaking around your waist as they pulled you in close. " I'm so sorry sweetheart..." duff sniffled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "don't ever think that I love anything more than you, ever." You wrapped your arms around yourself and leaned into Duff, soft sobs passing through your lips. "Its so hard." you whisper. "I know baby, I know." The two of you made your way to your shared bedroom and got ready for bed. You felt the clean silk sheets on your legs as you snuggled up to Duff, and the two of you whispered sweet nothings and talked about your future expectations, holding each other until you drifted asleep.

a/n: 434 words

Sorry this is so short! imagines in the future will be longer I promise. Please comment and tell me what you think! Comment requests or use the link in my bio as well and I'll write as many as I can. ~M

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