Chapter 1

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"Gather around children, for this story is one you should never forget. The woods outside are a very dangerous place for many reasons, wolves, bears, mountain lions, and many more. But what I'm talking about here is no mere animal that could maul you." The storyteller warned. "This creature is even more dangerous than all of them combined, we are talking about... The Fae." She said.

Blue listened intently to the storyteller ramble on about how the Fae live in the woods waiting to strike. "And never under any circumstances give them your name!" She yelled. Murmurs of agreement were heard among the young children listing to her ramblings.

A week later she was gone and was replaced by a more calm and gentle storyteller. The children didn't like her as much because she made the stories the old one told sound like they were made by Shakespeare. "And that's why faries are our friends!" The new storyteller said.

Blue huffed annoyed that this storyteller had the audacity to contradict what the other one had said. So he grabbed some food he was eating and threw it at the woman's face silencing her before she started singing about how bears are friendly and won't hurt you.

"Young man! Throwing food at others isn't nice! Please apologize." She said. Blue huffed and stood up a pissed look on his face. "You apologize first! You make us think that the Fae are friendly when their not! And that bears won't hurt us if we go near them, not to mention that it's fine to pet wolves!" Blue screamed.

Eventually Blue was dragged out of the storytelling hut and wasn't allowed back in. That was until they new storyteller was replaced with the old one after an accident happened with the Joku brothers.

Dream and Nightmare were twins, everyone could see it plain as day and of course the twins were mischievous. One day they were allowed to go to the storytellers hut and listen to the story's she had. But since they were new they didn't know the old storyteller and her cautionary tales.

So they listened to every lie the new storyteller spewed out of her mouth. The brothers loved story time due to the stories being fun and happy with good endings that made them smile. One day they had to go into the forest, with special permission from the elder, to collect berries and herbs that were running low in the village.

So they went into the forest the lies of the storyteller filling their heads and young hearts. They were collecting the berries when Dream spotted a young grizzly bear just a few feet away. "Brother look!" Dream gasped as he pointed to the baby bear. "We should go pet him and say hi! Like the storyteller said to do!" Dream recommended excitedly.

Now, Nightmare was the more cautious twin and knew that some of the information that the storyteller told was untrue. But before he could say something Dream dragged him to the baby bear and was petting the thing like a friendly puppy. Oh but Nightmare knew better than to let it, but he gave into the temptation and decided to pet the baby bear along with his brother.

Their fun with the baby bear had been cut short when they heard a loud grown from behind them. "Nighty look! The mama wants some pets too!" Dream exclaimed, the smile on his face quickly disappearing when the bear swiped at him. Luckily Nightmare pulled his brother away before he got sliced in half.

Dream froze where he was, his whole fairytale world falling apart in that very moment, the world the storyteller had convinced him was true was thrown and scattered to the wind. But Nightmare had no time for things like that, he needed to get him and his twin back to the town without dying from a bear attack.

Nightmare ran as fast as he could, he really did. But the bear was faster and honestly there was nothing they could do. The next morning when a few of the villagers found them they weren't sure if the twins were half alive or half dead.

~———⚠️gore esq body description!⚠️——-~

And in their condition they weren't sure if it was even a good thing that they were alive. Dream was the worse one of the two, the right side of his rib cage was missing and the only remains were the broken nubs still attached to his spine, along with his left arm being completely torn off and destroyed.

Nightmare managed to get away with a large hole in his skull and claw marks around his body. From what the other villagers could tell Dream protected Nightmare when the bear attacked taking most of the damage.

~———⚠️end of gore esq description⚠️———~

When the twins woke up it was a miracle. And when Nightmare explained that the new storyteller told them that bears were safe to pet, well. She didn't last too long after that and the old storyteller was back just a few days later.

Even as an adult the memories of the Joku twins during recovery still made Blue shudder in fear. But he always took the cautionary tales in mind whenever someone mentioned the forest. Ever since the Joku brothers incident the town built a wall around the town to protect them from the forest and the dangers lurking inside.

It had been years since the wall was built and Blue barely remembered what the forest looked like from when he was a child. Mainly he just remembers many shades of green and something vaguely pink peeking through the greens and browns of the forest.

Now Blue was just wandering around the wall like he normally did when he had nothing else to do. But he quickly found something to do when he saw a brown wooden door in the middle of the single shade grey wall that embraced the town. The doorknob was a simple grey metal that almost every door in the village had except for a few doors that belonged to some richer members of the village.

Blue stared at the door, it only seemed to stare back taunting him to open it and see what would happen. So, he opened it and saw nothing but forest on the other side. It greeted him like an old friend seeing you for the first time in years, it seemed to smile back at him as a small one formed on his face.

So he stepped into the forest, breathing in the deep smells that were long forgotten to the village. The cooling effect the shade from the trees had on his bones felt like heaven coming down to embrace him. But then there was a gasp.

He turned around only to see the leader of the village looking at him in shock and betrayal. "I thought we would never have this happen to you Blue..." He said. "Wait! Wait wait wait! Please don't close the door I'll come back and never go into the forest again!" He screamed as he ran to the door.

Only for him to slam into a barrier right before he reached the door. He recoiled back and tapped on the invisible shield trying to figure out what it was. The leader closed the door and left Blue in the woods, Blue screamed for him to come back and take him back to the village begging for him to bring him back like this was some sort of nightmare.

But, nothing happened.

"Why hello traveler, are you lost?"

1271 Words

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