Chapter 2

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"Why hello traveler, are you lost?"

Blue spun around to see a... skeleton monster? Or what seemed to be a skeleton monster, Blue couldn't be sure anymore with what dangerous things live in the woods. "Are you lost traveler?" It asked again.

"No, no I'm not I'm fine." Blue spat. The... thing chuckled and walked closer, a smile on its face seeming like it had won. "Why don't you tell me your name traveler? I can help you if you give me your name." It said.

Blue stepped back and bumped into the barrier pressing against it. "I don't think I will! Your a stranger in the woods for all that I know is that you could be a demon!" He replied trying to remain composed. The thing sighed and backed off, a look of annoyance on its face. "And here I was trying to be nice, but of course you townsfolk just anyone for being just trying to be kind!" It exclaimed.

It turned around and Blue saw a shimmer on its back something strangely beautiful yet dangerous at the same time. "Your one of the Fae." Blue mumbled. The Fae perked up and chuckled, the smile returning to its face. "Your a clever one aren't you! Why yes I am a Fae but not all of us are like in your silly myths that always make us the bad guys!" The Fae laughed.

The Fae smiled and kissed Blues cheek, walking away almost like he was teasing him. "Wait!" Blue called out. The Fae froze and spun back around curious. "How about we trade names! I give you mine you give me yours!" He explained. The Fae blushed a bright purple violet color covering its face. "You... you want to trade names?" It said seeming flattered and a bit more shy than before.

"Yes I want to trade names!" Blue exclaimed thinking he had won. The Fae nodded blushing harder at this newfound confirmation, it walked forward and kissed Blue for a few seconds before pulling away looking bashful. "I'll see you tonight my beloved I'll send someone to get you ready before our wedding." The Fae explained.

"Our what!? Wedding!? What do you mean!?" Blue exclaimed. The Fae kisses his cheek and walks away a smile on its face not explaining anything.

~——————————Lust POV————————~

I squealed as I went through the forest excited that I finally got a mate! Even if he might be mortal and not understand mating rituals for us Fae, it doesn't really matter. "Why are you so excited Lust?" Someone called out.

I rolled my eyes as Cross came walking out of the brush. "If you must know a mortal agreed to marry me Cross." I said simply not caring what he was about to say as I walked off. "Wait wait wait you got a mortal to be your mate!?" Cross exclaimed while following Lust.

Lust chuckled and kept walking not answering back, being very smug about his new mate that seemed to have Cross at a loss for words. "Lust I have a deal!" Cross yelled. Lust hummed and kept walking only turning his head back slightly not answering Cross just yet.

"If I get your mate from the forest and bring them to you will you do me a favor?" He asked. Lust shrugged still not looking back at Cross. "Maybe I will maybe I won't depends on the favor." Lust answered.

"Do you remember those two kids Killer and I helped save a long while ago? Before that damn barrier was built?"

"Yes I do why do you ask Cross?"

"I want them to be my favor."

"Cross I admire that your still set on the same mortal since the day you saw them but I can't do that."

"Why not Lust? You still owe Killer a favor as well remember?"

"Why must you be right Cross? Fine fine if you get my mate and bring him here then I'll help you get your mortals deal?"

"Deal Lust."

And with that I walked off and went home going to relax and get ready for my wedding tonight. When I heard a knock at my door that I was all too familiar with, I open the door and see Ink beaming at me like he just heard the best news in the world.

"What's up Ink?" I asked. Ink giggled in response and came inside my house getting comfortable on my couch. "Ink come on let's hurry this up, I have a wedding tonight and I can't let it be delayed tonight is a full moon." I explained.

"I know I know Lust! But when you get married I have a favor to ask of you! Can you go to the village and get this really cute villager named Error to come outside of the walls? Please! I'll repay you this time I promise!" Ink asked. I sighed and sat on the couch glaring at Ink.

"Fine I'll do it but you owe be big time got it? I already have a similar request from Cross..." lust agreed. "Oh I know! He was the one who told me you were doing stuff like this!" Ink explained. Lust smiled and shoved Ink out the door mainly focusing on not killing him and getting ready for my special night.

I put on the nicest clothes I own and make sure I take a nice bath before I put the clothes on, ready for my wedding I go out and go to the marriage ring to wait for my new mate to arrive. I relaxed and was almost about to fall asleep when I heard loud screams of displeasure and annoyance.

I run out of the circle and straight to Cross and my new mate, who's trying to get out of Cross's grasp. I give him a large kiss before whisking him away to the sacred ring to get married. "Dear mortal, with the end of this ritual we will be married and will have the ability to share names freely between eachother and other Fae." I start.

My mate struggles and tries to get away but I just hold his hands tighter so he stops moving around so much during this sacred meeting. "I, to the best of my abilities, will take care of you for as long as our combined lifespan lasts, and will make sure no matter what season you will be taken care of and every need fulfilled." I continued.

My mate stays still and seems to relax a little but still seemed quite nervous. "Now we kiss and say our names into it to seal our life's together and become mates." I finish. My mate squirms around and try's to leave the sacred ring but I kiss him before he gets the chance to.

I mumble my name into the kiss and he does as well, a rush of adrenaline flows through my body as our lives seal together. "You have a very beautiful name Blue, I'm so glad we can be together now." I said feeling the happiest I ever have. He shuffled nervously around avoiding eye contact.

"Y-yeah same here Lust..." he muttered. I take him to my house and I give him some nice clean pajamas. He looked around before putting them on still seeming uncomfortable with his new situation. "You alright my mate? Don't worry we don't have to have faerlings right away." I explain. He nods before slipping into bed and trying to ignore me, I obviously notice and hug him from behind.

"Don't worry my dear it's not all bad here I promise, you'll learn to love it." I said trying to make him feel better. He hummed a response and kept ignoring me until he finally fell asleep. I kissed his cheek and fell asleep next to him hoping for tomorrow to be a better day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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