oikawa pov

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Please enjoy Oikawa's POV




-Seijou/Aoba Johsai-

All of the Aoba Johsai team was practicing in the gym wondering why Oikawa was not there again. Oikawa had missed a whole week of volleyball practice. His team was full of worry even Makki and Matsun no matter how they were trying to joke around pretending and acting like they weren't worried sick their workaholic captain was missing so much practice.

Of course, nobody was more worried than Iwaizumi. He and Oikawa had been best friends since they were little kids, yet every time he went to check up on him he was turned back. His nerves were eating at him. He knew Oikawa and he knew how much this sport meant to his best friend, volleyball was his life and he would never purposely take so much time off unless there was something really bad going on.

And because he knew all of this it did nothing but add more to his worries and concerns.

Then out of nowhere, the door of their gym slammed open revealing a pretty girl with long curly hair. her chocolate locks tied into side ponytails with red ribbons. She had chocolate brown eyes to match with long eyelashes to adorn them, she was tall with a slim figure and had Rosy tinted skin. She gave off an easy-to-approach vibe which contrasted with an appearance that made it hard to look her directly in the eyes.

Kyotani is about to scream at her for interrupting their practice but is quickly stopped by Yahaba. Watari look too stunned to say anything. While Makki and Matsun just look the other way being used to girls interrupting their practice. especially now that Oikawa was absent and his fan girls were worried sick about him. so they were constantly interrupting practice asking when Oikawa was coming back. Iwaizumi begins walking in her direction ready to tell her to leave and not continue to disturb their practice.

When suddenly their coach speaks up.
"Hello Oikawa" their coach had just said in a completely monotone voice as if he had not just dropped a bombshell leaving everybody in shock.

"!Excuse me!?" Shouted Iwaizumi the shock clear in both his voice and face. He suddenly stilled, He was too stunned to say anything. His expression of bafflement mirrored Yahabas, Kindaichis, and Wataris.

Makki and Matsun began walking in Oikawas direction. They began patting, squishing, and smelling her as if they were conducting a security search. Iwaizumi finally came to by sheer force of will to stop the duo's shenanigans.

'Stop it you too keep your hands to yourself.' said Iwaizumi while smacking their heads🤕👏.  They both back off with a whine.

"Uhum." Their coach brings back the attention to himself. I know this sounds unbelievable and I don't blame you for not believing it but I need you to trust me. Yes, what I said is nothing but the truth this is Oikawa."He gestures to Oikawa who has moved to his side. "Oikawa has gone threw an unknown and unexplained change that has changed his appearance yet, that shouldn't let you forget she is still your captain who deserves your respect. I will now let him say what he needs to." Their coach then takes his leave.

Everyone remains silent each analyzing their coach's words and the situation at hand. Oikawa decides it's her time to speak, "Yahoo, I guess I'm a little late with my greeting but it's better late than never. Yes, what the coach said is true my body has gone true a pretty big change😅 which will affect the team for the remainder of my time here. I still hope you will bear with the new adjustments.

Some time passes and the team just stares at him and he stares right back. Matsun opens his mouth to speak," So....... you thinking of changing your future Career choice, you'd make a decent stripper🤭🤑." Makki snickers behind him. Kyotani and Kumimi simply roll their eyes at their antics. Watari tries to hide his laugh by turning his face to the side. While Yahaba and Kindaichi are left flabbergasted and at a loss for words.

Oikawa's face turns into one of shock and mortification. His mouth opens and he looks like he's about to snap and scold them. "I'd make an amazing stripper 😤." He says instead. Watari finally laughs out loud while Kindaichi and Yahaba's mouths drop open. And Kyotani looks done with everybody.

And just like that conversation starts up and all her teammates surround Oikawa asking about a million questions each. They ask when he'll turn back, what caused it, and how it's been so far. He answers he still doesn't know what caused it or when he will change back. He tells them it's been okay so far except for a few bumps here and there.

As practice starts up again Oikawa finally takes the chance to speak with her iwa-chan seeing as how he had been so quiet the entire time. "So iwa-chan nothing to comment?" Iwaizumi jumps startled not having noticed when Oikawa got close to him.

He looks at Oikawa for a few seconds before feeling too overwhelmed. He turns his face away to try to hide the flush creeping in. Nothing to comment on Trashykawa. Good to see you're not dead in a ditch. Oikawa just laughs at him he knows his iwa chan well enough to understand what he means to say, which is I was worried about you, and it's good to have you back. Really her iwa chan is just too cute.







Since emerging and becoming a girl things hadn't changed for her at home that much having an older sister helped with getting used to the changes within his body. She had been a great help in answering all her questions and concerns regarding her new body.

Now where things started to change were at school. Her first day back had been accompanied by the whispers and bewildered expressions of all who saw her. But Oikawa wasn't a stranger to attention, heck being the attention-seeking drama queen she was she thrived in it. But the attention she was getting was weird all the boys and girls she made eye contact with rapidly avoided her gaze. This was confusing, sure she figured her fan girls would leave her alone seeing her new appearance but something just felt off.

Throughout all her classes she felt eyes on her constantly but just as before when she reciprocated they turned away from her.

Finally, lunch came and she was all too happy about it. She hurriedly went to meet up with Makki, Matsun, and Iwaizumi. ' somethings off.' Commented Matsun aware of the odd stares being thrown at them. Oikawa sighed and explained she had been getting odd looks on every period.,' ¡¿What the hell are they giving you a hard time just because your appearance changed what the hell is wrong with them who do they think they are to be judging you!?'😡🤬 Iwaizumi went off Makki and Matsun enjoying the show while Oikawa had stars in her eyes watching Iwa Chan become so angry on her behalf.

Iwaizumi had been fuming the remainder of their lunch which Makki, Matsun, and Oikawa overjoyed albeit for different reasons. and as they headed to class accompanying Oikawa to her class they saw a group of girls walking past them heading to theirs. Suddenly the girl ahead tripped Oikawa reacted quickly and caught the girl. 'Are you okay?' She asked with a smile. The girl looked up at Oikawa and flushed hard babbling before passing out. The other girls in her group began to yell 'No fair!! Screamed one of the girls 'Yeah!!' Yelled to other girls in support. 'That should have been me!!😭' cried another girl.

The guys on the side began to argue and yell as well 'No fair why should the girls get her attention first!?' One of the boys a first-year little shorter than Oikawa began to sway to the side, ' Oh no I'm gonna faint too😫 help me Oikawa san!!'
'Why you little shit!' yelled the other guys in response while the girls following the boys lead all the girls to pretend to faint.

What. the. hell.

Makki speaks up 'Well I guess that means they don't hate you.' Oikawa laughs at that. Matsun leaned down to Iwaizumi and whispered 'Guess you have more rivals now Iwaizumi."🤭
Iwaizumi huffed and turned away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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