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"I'm telling you Adrian something is off!" Marinette threw her hands in the air frustrated as she walked around the counter. For the 8th time today she walked to the window of the bakery and peaked down the street in hopes of seeing Y/N walking to work. "That's it. I'm calling her again."

Adrian was leaned up against the counter, fighting back a grin as he faked a sigh. "You said that she was with Chat Noir right? She's fine i'm telling you, besides she wont answer any of your calls just like she won't answer mine. How much harm can she be in with a Pairs superhero?"

"PLENTY! I am telling you Adrian that cat is bad news, I bet that he is the reason she hasn't been answering, I mean when he picked up last night all he wanted to do was get me off the phone and Nathaniel? When I called him all I got was a frustrated tone and a 'She's fine.' SHE'S FINE?? SHE'S PRACTICALLY IN THE CLUTCHES OF THAT PSYCHOPATH!" The bell to the bakery chimed letting them know someone had entered. Mari put on a customer service smile and shooed Adrian away from the register.

Adrian looked at his phone, his messages still haven't been read by you even after he had sent some more 'concerned' notes. He assumed you were still asleep, he continued to scroll on his phone. He had got a text from Nino earlier that morning which he ignored on purpose but finally decided to open.

He thought it was just going to be about the previous conversation they had about Adrian and his interests in you. Adrian shut down all sorts of crazy ideas Nino was giving him and Nino was reaching his whits end but this was nothing like Adrian's guess. Nino had sent Adrian a link and a text saying 'You fucking idiot. You seriously just lost her now, no way you'd be able to top him.'  

Surprised for a moment, Adrian opened the link, it immediately took him to the LadyBlog, the grin finally escaped his lips. He knew exactly what it was going to be and this time he was right.

'LadyLover? Chat Noirs secret girlfriend. Exclusive interview with the lover and the Tommy Cat himself!

Good morning all my Ladybug Lovers and Chat Suitors, lets get this cat out of the bag and get straight to the scoop. Yesterday I got a call from one of my closest friends saying she had news on a certain Cat and that I needed to rush over as soon as I could. Well because of my duty to the people of course I dropped everything and rushed over to a secret location where I got to meet the secret women behind the mask man!

And you will not believe how they met!

It's a true fans dream and I got to watch it unfold, now follow along as his 'Princess' reveals their story and stick around for the end to read the words from Chat himself about his new -'

Adrian got distracted from the notification popping up on his screen, you were calling him, he quickly wiped the smile off his face and tried to make it seem as if it was a call from work, that way Marinette wouldn't know who you called first and take his phone away.

He also just wanted to talk to you without being bothered, Adrian cleared his throat and answered the phone. He had to get the tone just right to sound as if he didn't know where you were yesterday.

"Y/n? How are you doing? Are you okay?" 

"Yes, I'm fine." Adrian couldn't help but feel relieved, even though he already knew the answer.

"What happened yesterday? Did you end it with Chat? Please tell me they didn't pressure you into ending it." A small smile made it's way to Adrian's face when the words left his mouth,

"Uh no, not at all actually. Look I called to say I'm sorry for running out on you yesterday and that's not how I should've left it. I got overwhelmed and had to get out of there. I meant to text you earlier but I... kind of got, caught up? In a way. Long story short I fell asleep and I called as soon as I got up."

"First thing? You haven't called Marinette yet? She's very worried. We even tried to reach Nathaniel." Adrian looked at his nails, he can't believe that he sounded so real when lying straight to her. Deep down Adrian was a little proud,

"Yeah, I haven't even checked to see what time it is yet. The guilt was eating at me and I had to get it off my chest." Adrian chuckled a bit,

"Did you at least get to tell him how you felt?"

"I did in a way, although I kind of rushed through it because he was just too charming, you know me, as soon as he breathes in my general direction I lose all train of thought." You were silent for a second before continuing. " Alright I got to go, I have to call Mari but I'll see you soon okay?"

After a brief goodbye Adrian put down the phone and waited for Mari's to ring. He contiuned with where he left off on the article. Marinette was still with a customer but as soon as she saw your name on her phone screen, she excused herself and ran to the back. After a few moments she waved Adrian over to come into the back with her.

Adrian stood up and walked that way.

"- you can't just keep missing work because of this guy y/n, he's bad news. Sooner or later you're going to end up in some sort of danger. ... .... ... ... You see I can't trust that, you say you're not going out on a date with him but then you say you just have a few places you 'need to be' Y/n this‐"

Adrian's full attention was on Marinette, his heart rate began to increase, he didn't remember y/n saying she was going anywhere today, so where was she going?

"-is sounding like it's being read from a script, is he kidnapping you right now? Where are you? Where's Nathaniel? I want to speak to him! ... .... ... Y/n that's not funny, you know Nathaniel is the only one you ever listen to! Maybe he can knock some sense into you and make you break up with him!"

Adrian lunged forward and grabbed the phone, before Marinette could say anything he hung up.

"Adrian! What was that for?" Adrian started to panic, he did it without thinking and he can't tell Marinette the truth. He turned around and set the phone down on a chopping block as Mari continued with questions. Adrian pulled out his phone and showed Mari the Ladyblog.

"It's too late now, she'll be in more danger now if there's a breakup."

"What do you mean?"

"Chat could become akumatized if he still loves her and then go after her. Or what if hawkmoth uses her against Chat? Sure he can do that now but Chat Noir is close by, but if they break up no one is protecting her. Now that they're exposed thanks to Alya, Y/n is now safer as long as she has Chat Noir."

Marinette took his phone in disbelief, she scrunched her nose at the article. "THAT'S WHO SHE MET THIS MORNING?? Oh my god I'm going to kill her, no wonder she didn't want to tell me who she met with. She knew this could place Y/n in a lot of danger and that Y/n was even considering a break up yesterday. I can't believe she actually posted this. I mean just listen to this, 'When I saw her at first I was confused on how a star could be so far from the sky'? 'My life would be cat-astrophic without her by my side'? This is the worst thing I have ever read."

Marinette handed Adrian the phone back and crossed her arms.

"There's no way this is over, Alya is going to get it from me." Marinette immediately picked up the phone and started dialing "I'm going to grab my dad and tell him I'm taking my lunch early, leave whenever. Just don't touch anything."

As soon as Mari turned around Adrian's face drops to a scowl, he made his way out of the bakery and started to walk to your apartment. The walking turned into a brisk jog, then to a sprint. 


Soooooo it's been a while, I know im horrible but that okay! I have not left the story yet, also btw I am planning on also writing another story after this one so just fair warning to stick around. No spicey yet but it is coming, in the next couple chapters you'll probaly see it, there will be a warning before hand to tell you to stop reading. Not that youre going to who would? Anyways next chapter will be longer as an I'm sorry. It lowkey isnt that good but tbh i had to put something out here before you guys ate me alive. 

as always drop your thoughts, with love


Edit sorry if it gave you a notification, i wanted to clarify on a sentence due to the helpful feedback of a reader, the change is only a sentence and does not change anything else in the story you've read so far or the chapters you just read. Thank you for your time. -K

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