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Chat arms were crossed as he leaned up against the wall of your room, still refusing to look at you since you returned to the apartment. He had been like this the entire time, even when you went to get something to eat for you and the cat, Chat refused to eat.

"You don't have to be so pouty about the cat." You said,

"I'm not pouting, I'm angry that you'd choose that over me." You stopped searching for a spare towel to look at Chat.

"All I said was that he needed a bath." Chat finally looked in your direction,

"Exactly. You seem more interested in that thing rather than your boyfriend right in front of you."

"Chat you're a grown man-"

"So is he!"

"He's a cat!" Chat threw his hands in the air in frustration and groaned loudly.

"You don't understand they are manipulative! He's going to try and take over and work his way into your heart and there is no way i'm going to let that happen." He pointed angrily at the cat.  You stared at chat with a dumbfounded look, you couldn't believe that he was having such a problem with just a cat.

"Fine, if you dislike him so much, find a nice home for him and I will gladly hand him over." You waited a few seconds in the silence before Chat looked away from you again. "That's what I thought." You grabbed a towel and started making your way towards your bedroom door into the hallway, without taking a glimpse behind you you knew that Chat had followed you to the bathroom. He closed your door and quickly sped up to catch up .

He passed you briefly to open the bathroom door for you, he was still keeping his eyes anywhere but towards you but when you smiled at him to thank him, he glanced down and his scowl seemed to soften for a moment before he looked away again.

You made your way inside the bathroom, where there was a small tub with a shower head attachment above it. You made sure that the stopper was in the drain and started putting warm water into the tub, once it reached about an inch you turned it off. You turned around to see Chat now leaning against the closed bathroom door with the upset look on his face.

"Hold this." You said while handing him the cat. He grabbed it but held it as far away from himself as possible.

"I don't want to hold this."

"Someone has to while I find the soap, ugh I think  it's in the cabinet in the kitchen i'll be back." You go to walk around Chat to go down the hallway more into your living room and kitchen area, you head to the sink cabinet and look under it, you scrummage around looking for any plant based soaps or anything with a low ph that wouldn't hurt the cat. It was hard to see and you really hoped you had anything down there that would be useful. You saw feet on the other side of the cabinet and pulled out a random bottle of soap.

"Hey Nathaniel, do you think this is plant based? Or is it unsafe for cats?" You look up at Nathan to see a horrified look on his face. You turn to see what he was looking at and saw Chat standing alone in the hallway you had just came from but with messed up hair. You knew that it was from the rain but Nathaniel had no clue what was going on. "Wait thats not what i-"

"I don't want to know, I wish to be left out of this, forever." He glanced at you and then the soap. "Grab the one already open in the back, it was crap at washing the dishes, it should have a low ph for... whatever you're doing." he shook his head and turned around.

You grabbed the bottle of soap and did a quick google search to make sure it was okay for the little cat and before you could thank Nathan for his help he was gone. You turned towards Chat with narrowed eyes.

In the Dead of Night                 Obsessed Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now