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This story is in modern day
Sasuke is 17
You're 16
Itachi is 21

You decided to go shopping today. You went alone since you knew your boyfriend Sasuke was busy and didn't like shopping anyway. You got ready and left your house

You decided to walk around town instead of driving so you could window shop. If you liked something you walked into the store and browsed some more

One shop really caught your attention. There was a variety of things in the store for you to look at. You looked around at the dresses, then purses, then hoodies, some shoes, and then some extra things.

You found many things you liked but you settled for a dress and a hoodie. You wanted to go shopping but didn't want to spend too much money in one place. You weren't poor but you weren't too rich either. Typically though you just liked to browse anyway.

You went to a few more stores but didn't decide to get anything. You decided to go into a restaurant and grab some food before you kept going. 'I can't keep going on and empty stomach' you thought. You went somewhere and got F/F. After you ate you were walking around a bit and then seen some of your friends

They walked over to you and you guys were talking for a bit. Just small talk. Nothing too exciting. You didn't care for small talk but you didnt have much time for anything else. You weren't busy but they were. Plus you were honestly ready to browse some more stores. Talking with friends and catching up is nice but you've found that it doesn't consume much time. You kind of wanted time to go by so then you could hang out with your boyfriend later on once he wasn't busy. You also needed to go to a grocery store before going home.

After you and your friends got done talking you went back to your shopping. You went into this really expensive store which was one of your more favorite stores. You found a purse you really wanted but it was expensive. You started to look at other things when you heard someone start talking behind you

"Hey. What are you looking at?" You recognized this voice. It was Sasuke

"Hey! I've missed you! I'm just browsing stores right now because you said you were busy. How did you find me?"

"I tried going to your house but you weren't there. The only other place you go is into town. I saw you talking to your friends" It made you happy that the first place he went when he wasn't busy but you felt bad that he went to your house but you weren't there

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be done so early or else I would be at home by now" You really felt bad. You hoped he didn't get upset

"It's fine. Did you find things you like?" He was looking at what you had bought for yourself "And how much were those in your arm?"

"I found many things I like here. I don't plan on buying them though. Too expensive. These things I did by were about $40-$50 in total" You started holding up the things you bought and showing Sasuke. He seemed smiled a bit. Seeing you so happy made him happy

"Those are nice. What are the things you wanted in this store though? I'll get them for you" He was looking at you waiting for you to take him to the items

"Oh I dont need them love. I-" You paused. Sasuke wasn't usually a fan of public affection. He just looked at you and smiled a bit.

"You can continue. I'm not going to be mad if you call me that. Even if I'm not a huge fan of public affection you're my girlfriend" You smiled back at him at your cheeks turned pink.

"Well as I was saying I don't need those things honestly. You don't have to buy them-" He cut you off

"I said show them to me"

"Are you sure?" While you thought his offer was really nice you knew the items you wanted were really expensive

"Yes" After he said that you went and showed him the items you wanted. He got you everything you wanted.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that" You hugged Sasuke tightly and kissed him before he could say anything back. You could see him turn a little pink

"I wanted to. It was the least I could do for making you wait today"

You smile. Then you start walking to the grocery store with Sasuke. You didn't hold his hand because sometimes he doesn't want to. This time though he grabbed your hand and you got really happy

You tried buying yourself some popcorn but he insisted he pay and then he walked off on his own. He told you to text him if you wanted anything. 'I wonder where he is going' you thought. You didn't question though and just walked around

About 20 minutes later you get a text
My love <3: "Are you ready to go? Tell me where you are and I'll come find you. I paid for my items already too"
You: "I'm just walked into isle 4 love"
It didn't take him long to find you. When he got there you guys walked out of the store. Sasuke didn't bring his car so Itachi picked you guys up. Once you two got sat in the back seat Sasuke handed you the bag that he had gotten from the store

"What's all this?" You were pulling stuff out of the bag and noticing it was your favorite things

"It's things you've told me you liked. I remembered and bought them for you" This made you smile. You loved that he remembers the things you tell him

"You remembered all this? Thank you love!" He smiled at you and you kissed him. Itachi wasn't paying attention to you two at all.

"Of course I remember" He says before kissing you softly on the cheek.

He whispers in your ear "I love you Y/N"

You say back "I love you Sasuke"

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