Gym and Ice cream

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~Modern kind of scenario~

Your boyfriend Sasuke texted you saying he was going to the gym to go get a workout in. He said you could come if you wanted and he sent you the address of the gym. You decided to go. You didn't want to work out though so you packed some waters incase he needed some, your phone, and a few other things. Then you head out

Once you get there you walk inside and text Sasuke to find him. He tells you where he's at and you walk over there. You find a place to sit near him and put your stuff down.

"If you need I brought you some extra water bottles" You show him one of the water bottles that you brought

"Thanks but I thought we could go to the ice cream shop after this" He stops doing his pull ups for a second

"Really? I didn't bring any money. I could go back home and grab some" You start getting ready to get up and go get your money

"No. I'll pay for you. I planned on it even if you brought your own money" He smiles at you to let you know he doesn't mind paying for you

"You're so sweet. Even if you don't want to admit to it" You smile at Sasuke. He never admits but he's always happy to make you smile

"Whatever" Sasuke takes off his shirt. You notice immediately and you try not to stare but you want to look

"Hey Y/N. Can you get me a water?" He starts looking at you. You get up to get the water. You start walking over to him and hand him the bottle

"You know my eyes are up here right?" He starts to smirk. He's taken notice to you constantly looking at his chest. You didn't realize but you kept looking at his chest

"I-I knew that! Sorry" Sasuke chuckles a bit and hands you the bottle back after he had taken a drink. You start walking over to where you were, put the bottle back, grab your phone, and then sit back down. You shake a bit as it is cold in the gym. They kept it cold in there so that people working out wouldn't get too hot

"Are you cold? You were shaking" Sasuke stopped doing his pull ups for a minute again to look at you

"A little bit" You look over at Sasuke. He sighs

"Fine you can get my jacket out of my bag and wear it. It's in the middle pocket" He starts continuing his pull ups while you grab his jacket and put it on. This one was one of your favorites. It was soft, really warm, and smelled like him the most

"Thank you!" You then continue to play on your phone while waiting on Sasuke to finish his workout. You couldn't help but looking over every so often. Not only because he looked great but you were happy he was yours

*30 Minutes later*

"Hey get up" You hear someone say to you softly while your being shaken a little bit. You got up and didn't know you had fallen asleep. You looked and Sasuke was waiting for you to be ready to go

"How long was I asleep for?" You look at him hoping he would know

"It was like 30 minutes. It doesn't matter though" You smiled at him. He smiled back at you a bit. Then he looked at the door

"Are you ready to go?" He starting picking up the things he brought and then he grabbed the bag you brought and was starting to carry it

You giggle a little bit "Why did you grab my bag?" He looks back at you and he looks a bit confused

"Because I want to carry your things for you. Is that a problem?" You walked beside him

"No there isn't. Where do you want to go now?" You and Sasuke start walking out of the building at this point

"Well I told you earlier we could go to the ice cream shop. Do you still want to go?" You got excited

"Yeah! I'd love to go" You guys start walking over to the ice cream shop and then place your order. He got you (favorite ice cream) but he didn't get anything for himself

"I know you're not a fan of sweets but if you didn't want ice cream then why did you want to go here?" You were happy to get ice cream but you didn't want him to not have anything

"I wanted to bring you here. I don't care for ice cream but you love it"

You hug him and then you both go sit down at a table. You guys were talking but you noticed someone was looking at you. You didn't pay too much attention but any time you did look at them they were looking at you

"Are you ok?" Sasuke got concerned because you were acting a bit off

"Yeah I'm alright. I just noticed that person looking at me. It's nothing to worry about though" Sasuke sees the person you're talking about and you can tell he isn't happy with the person who's looking at you

"Tsk. If they can't tell you're mine then I'll make it known to them" Sasuke puts his arm around your hips and pulls you close to him while giving you a kiss. You giggle

*5 minutes later*

"Alright here is your (Favorite Ice Cream)" The waiter hands you your ice cream

"Thank you!" You smile and start eating

"I know you don't like sweets but if you want to try my ice cream you can love" He denies your offer and doesn't really speak much. Then you feel him playing with your hair

"Are you playing with my hair?" You giggle while asking Sasuke

"Yes. If you want me to I can stop?" He stops playing with your hair when he says that

"No it's alright. I don't mind" Sasuke starts playing with your hair again. A few minutes later you started watching YouTube on your phone. You felt him stop playing with your hair and you could tell he was watching your phone

"Are you interested in what I'm watching?" You move the phone a bit to let him be able to see what you're watching

"I guess" You smile and lay your head on him a bit so he could see your phone too. You were still eating your ice cream

When you finished your ice cream you cleaned up. Then you and Sasuke got up and you guys walked out of the ice cream shop

"I'll walk you home" Sasuke starts walking with you in the direction to your house

"Are you sure? It's getting late" You didn't want his family to worry about him. You also knew it could be dangerous at night

"I'm sure" On that note you grab his hand and you two walk to your house

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