Beyond the Wooden Barrier

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Koi pawed at the door that went to the yard. She was impatient to show the other cats what outside looked like. The caretaker shuffled through the crowd of cats who were sat near the door. The cats murmured about what Koi told them, and were curious if what she said was true.

Soon enough, the human got the door open. Just a quick glance outside revealed so much. Bright blue skies, giant puffy clouds, lush green grass, there was so much to look at and explore.

The new cats sat in awe at the sight. This was the first time in their life that they saw the outside. Koi was fast to wiz past the onlooking cats, and immediately started playing in the grass.

"Have fun out there!" the caretaker said, getting another call.

Benjamin and Daisy lead the cats outside, they seemed scared of some of the things at first, but quickly warmed up to them. If it didn't hurt them, why should they be scared?

"Koi, this is even better than what you described! I wish I could be outside all the time." a gray and white molly said.

"Why not just run away then?" Bunny suggested, sat atop the fence.

"Woah, how'd you get up there?" a tortoiseshell molly asked.

"It's quite simple, really: use your legs." Bunny replied, bluntly. He then looked at the other side of the fence, and grinned.

"You don't think the two-legged thing would care if I ran away?" he asked, knowing he'd do it anyway.

"What? Why would you want to run away! The caretaker is trying to find you a good home." Koi exclaimed.

"If it's with more of those two-legged things then count me OUT!" Bunny hissed, tauntingly leaning toward the other side of the fence.

"Bunny, I assure you, if you just give them a chance-" Daisy started.

"I gave them a chance, Daisy! I was the first, I saw everything. One cat just wasn't enough for her. No. She needed more. One after the other, 5, 6, 7, 8 cats a day. I'm lucky I wasn't turned to a distant memory like some of those other cats. I'm tired of those two-legged things. I don't care if you follow me, I'm starting my OWN life, my OWN destiny. Away from any of those two-legged FREAKS!" Bunny spat, hopping off to the other side of the fence, and bolted away.

Daisy stared in horror. No wonder he was so bitter. She was left speechless. He must've had a very strong connection to his caretaker before they got that hoard of cats.

"Should we go after him?" Koi asked, concerned for Bunny's well-being.

"..." Daisy didn't say.

"It might be a bit difficult for her to leap that high, but maybe there's a way other than jumping..." Benjamin thought aloud, looking at the fence. It looked as if there was a loose board, so Benjamin walked over to it, and tapped it. To his surprise, it rocked back and forth after he tapped it. It was if it was some secret door to get in and out.

"Here. If any of you wish to help me find Bunny, you may come. I won't force any of you to come with me. It is of your judgement what you wish to do." Benjamin explained, before he snuck under the loose board.

Daisy nodded, walking after him. Koi followed her, Nougat tagged along since he didn't have much else going on aside from afternoon naps. The other cats in the yard looked at each other, and all collectively agreed to follow.

Benjamin followed the fresh scent of Bunny, running as fast as he could to make up for lost time. The other cats followed close behind, a giant patch of color went running into a forest, one which no one knew anything about. They could die, but the only thing that as on their mind was finding Bunny and making sure he was ok.

"..more cats?" the human sighed, looking at the plethora of crates they already had.

Forest Cats: Beyond the FenceWhere stories live. Discover now