Chapter 1

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Ned. Ned. It's happening again. Help me. Please.


Hello? Who is this? What's going on? What's a Ned?


Ned. Now isn't the time for games. I  can't breathe!


I really am not NED! And what do you mean you can't breathe? Are you ok?!


Shit. Sorry sir/ma'am. I'll go now.


No wait. Kid


Peter shut off his phone and tried to calm his breathing. He was in his room and currently having a panic attack. Normally Ned reminded him to breath but Peters phone broke and he just got a new one for his birthday. Curtesy of MJ, since Aunt May refused to waist money on him. 

He finally got his breathing under control when he heard a yell from inside "Peter! Where's dinner?!" "Shit. Coming Aunt May!"

Tony Stark sat on his couch staring at his phone in a mild panic state. "Hey babe. You ok?" Tony looked up to see a concerned Steve. He looked at his boyfriend and shook his head "No. Check it out." he shoved his phone into Steve's hand. Confused Steve read the texts. "It's probably some teenager playing a prank. Don't worry." said Steve. 

Tony shook his head "No. He seemed genuine. And if it was  prank then he wouldn't have ended so quickly, beside no one can hack my phone." Steve shrugged putting the phone down "Probably typed random numbers on his phone for fun. Just stupid teenagers." "But-" "No buts. It's ok. Calm down." Tony sighed and massaged his temple "I guess. I'll be in my lab ok?" Steve nodded and kissed his head "Ok. I'll be hanging with Bucky."

"Where have you been?" Peter swallowed nervously as he put the stove on for the food. "What do you mean Aunt May?" May scoffed "You think I'm dumb? I got home early today and looked for you. You were suppose to be out of school and at HOME but you weren't. You were nowhere to be seen. So I'll repeat myself. Where. Were. You?" Peter glanced at her nervously as he stared at the burning stove. "I-I went out Neds house. He wanted to build a dome out of Legos but needed help." he lied. He was actually out as Spider-Man with Deadpool and Daredevil. They were celebrating since Daredevil would be out of town for a while.

May scowled "I've told you many times that you need to be at home so that you can clean and make food. Do you not care about me? I work so hard for food and money so we can stay alive. But all you do is go play with Legos and get bad grades. You selfish child!" Peter flinched due to his sensitive hearing "I'm sorry. I know. I'll tell him no next time. I-I'm working on my grades." Personally Peter didn't understand what was wrong with his grades. He was a straight A student and top of the school, but if May wanted better that's what she would get. She always got what she wanted. Peter knew that much.

Apparently his answer and apology wasn't enough because because next thing he knew he was screaming in agony as his hand hit the burning stove. May pulled his hand back and glared. At least he thought she did, he couldn't see through the tears. "Next time you don't listen it will be worse. Now go get bandaged up and don't let my food burn." she walked away muttering about ungrateful bastards or something, but Peter ran to the bathroom and fixed his hand. Luckily it was his left hand, he could still write in class. 

After May had dinner Peter went back to his room and heard as she locked him in. She did that every night to make sure he didn't try and eat at night. Sighing he laid back onto his bed. He remembered the person he texted. They must be worried or weirded out by now.



It's Mr. and Kid! God you scared me earlier! Are you ok?!

Yes i am. I was texting to say sorry. I thought you were a friend and worried you. I'm sorry.

It's alright. But are you sure you're ok?

Yea. I'm ok.

Ok. Good. Who are you by the way?

No one special. A nobody.

Everybody is somebody kid.

Not me. Anyway. I gtg. Bye.

Ok. Do me a favor and save my number. Just text me when you want to talk. Ok?

It's ok. I'm fine.

Just do it kid.

Ok. But what should i save you as?

Just call me Anthony.

Ok. Call me паук.

Great. TTYL kid.


Unknown was changed to паук
??? was changed to Anthony


He contemplated researching the kid but thought better of it. The kid probably wanted privacy. Tony sighed putting his phone away. Th kid acted weird. Almost like him. He was told he had a self esteem problem. But he thought he was cool! He was mart and rich and handsome and..and yet he didn't think he deserved half of what he had.  "I need a drink." getting up he walked out of the lab and into the living room only to find Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, Thor and Wanda watching TV. 

"Hey Tones. Wanna join? It's The Incredibles 2" said Clint seeing him. Tony looked to the mini bar and then back at the group. He smiled and walked over to them. "Move over." They chuckled and Steve pulled him next to him with his arm around Tony's waist. Steve handed him a soda and a bowl of popcorn. Tony smiled accepting it and snuggling closer to his boyfriend. He had his friends. He would be ok. He just hoped he could be this comfort for the kid. Whoever they were.

Wrong number, sorry dudeWhere stories live. Discover now