Chapter 8

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 Peter swallowed the lump in his throat before opening the door to the apartment. He entered and was greeted with a death glare from May and a too sweet smile from Damon. "You bloody brat! What the fuck were you thinking?! My home was amess and no one cleaned and then you don't go to school for the day?! How can you be so selfish! I pay a lot of money so you can go to that fucking Nerd school!" Peter nervously played with his sleeve "I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to worry you and i apologize for not cleaning i just wanted to find a job so i could earn my keep." he said softly. "Did you get one?" she aske din a growl. "Yes ma'am. AN internship at Stark Industries." "Don't lie to me boy!" "But I'm not!" yelled Peer back and instantly regretted it. May advanced on him but Damon took her hand smiled "Why don't you go to bed huh? I'll deal with him. Its been a long day. You're tired." May glared at Peter before going to her room and banging the door closed.

Damon gave Peter sickly sweet smile that turned into a smirk "Hey Petey. Now listen. You didn't come home, didn't make dinner, didn't clean, didn't go to school, didn't come home gain, didn't clean again and again you didn't make dinner. You also made May worry. I think that deserves a punishment. Don't you?" Peter shook under the death glare he got as Damon grabbed his hair "I asked you a question you brat." "S-Sorry sir. I-I think so sir." "Let's get this over with boy."


Peter whimpered as he lay in bed. He had no energy to put the suit on and let Karen scan him "Maybe one of my personal projects will be to install Karen into more things." he told himself before letting the world of black take over.

Peter woke up with a groan. He picked up his phone wincing in pain as he did and answered.

"Hey Peter. How are you? You grounded?" said the voice of Ned.
Peter internally scoffed 'i wish' "No man. Luckily not. But i can't see you today though. Gonna hang with Wade. He's planning to go and stay with Matt, so it'll be our last day together."
"Oh. Ok. NO worries man. I'll tell MJ. See ya."
"See Ned." 

Peter sighed as he hung up. Wade was not gonna be happy. After struggling to get dressed his phone rang again. He picked up to a familiar voice.

"Hey Pete."
"Oh hey Mister Stark."
"Kid." warned Tony
"Sorry. Hey Tony."
"Much better. I was wondering if you wanted to hang today. We could work in the lab too. Clint and Nat came and wanna meet you."
"Wish i could but i can't sorry. My friend well more like brother, Wade, is going to stay with his boyfriend for awhile so we're hanging all day."
there was pause before Tony spoke again "Ok kid. See ya Monday?"
"Yes sir." joked Peter
Tony chuckled 
"Should i save your number?" asked Peter
"This is actually Steve's phone...I can't find mine at the moment."
Peter chuckled and immediately clutched his ribs "Sad. I really have to go."
"You ok kid?"
"Awesome. Bye Tony."
"Bye kid."

Peter sighed and made sure to sneak out with no noise. He succeeded and walked(limped) to the hide out. He entered finding Wade putting snacks on the table with Star Wars on the TV. Peter smiled sadly at the medical kit that sat on the couch. Wade saw him and sighed "Come on. I'll stitch you up." nodding sadly Peter limped over and sat down while telling Wade what happened and while Wade started treating him.

"So what is it you all wanted to talk about? And why did you lie? Your phone is in your hand." asked Nat and they all sat in the living room. Tony handed his phone to Nat and Clint as they all explained everything including the Spider-Man. And Tony told them what Peter was doing today.

Nat groaned with her head in her hands. She looked at Clint and he chuckled nodding "They're dumb." he said and she nodded before looking at everyone "Earths mightiest hero's are a bunch of imbeciles." "Hey!" protested Scott and Sam. "Idiots! The kid is Spider-Man!" yelled Nat. "Not possible." said Thor loudly, though he didn't mean to. "Listen.  The way Wade spoke about Spider-Man was the same story Peter gave you. And who is out at midnight that heals fractured ribs? He was talking about himself. The signs are there too. There is no ADAM, it's all Peter. He's being abused and is Spider-Man. He even said he was with a guy named Wade." "Yea but he said Wade was leaving tomorrow. Deadpool is suppose to inform us if he does." said Steve.

"I'm telling you it's him." said Nat. "Lets do this. Wait until tomorrow. You all planned to apologize to Spider-Man tomorrow night right?" asked Clint and they nodded "Great. me and Nat will join you. We'll check and make sure." "Fine. I'm telling you you're wrong." said Scott.

Peter spent the night laughing and joking with Wade. "I'm gonna miss you baby boy." Peter chuckled "Haven't heard that in a while." Wade smiled "Matt is easily jealous." they laughed. Peter hugged Wade tightly and the older returned it. "Don't worry. You're never alone. We'll always be one call away." "Charlie Puth?" "Who?" "Never mind." Wade shook his head and ran his fingers through Peters hair.

Wrong number, sorry dudeWhere stories live. Discover now